Der Überirdische ist tot [embedded content] Bruno Ganz (1941-2019). RIP.
Read More »In complete subjection to the ego
In complete subjection to the ego The illusion that egoists will be pleased, or flattered, by interest taken in their habits persists throughout life; whereas, in fact, persons like Widmerpool, in complete subjection to the ego, are, by the nature of that infirmity, prevented from supposing that the minds of others could possibly be occupied by any subject far distant from the egoist’s own affairs. A Dance to the Music of Time Guess we all have our own...
Read More »Sveriges drygaste
Jag avskyr människor med dålig ekonomi och gör mitt bästa för att undvika dem … Höjdpunkten är när de faller i gråt vid anblicken av den samlade mängden obetalda räkningar och skyhöga räntor på lättvindiga lån. När jag ser dessa dagdrömmande våp, längtar jag efter de riktiga människorna, de fattiga och de rika, som vet vilka de är och lever utan illusioner. Horace Engdahl
Read More »Fat arms science …
Fat arms science … Over human evolutionary history, upper-body strength has been a major component of fighting ability. Evolutionary models of animal conflict predict that actors with greater fighting ability will more actively attempt to acquire or defend resources than less formidable contestants will. Here, we applied these models to political decision making about redistribution of income and wealth among modern humans. In studies conducted in...
Read More »The statistical crisis in science
The statistical crisis in science [embedded content] Such a great guy. If only more academics could be like you, Andrew!
Read More »Applied econometrics
The applied econometrician is like a farmer who notices that the yield is somewhat higher under the trees where birds roost, and he uses this for evidence that bird droppings increase the yield. However, when he presents his findings … another farmer … objects that he used the same data but came up with the conclusion that moderate amounts of shade increase the yields … A bright chap … then observes that these two hypotheses are indistinguishable, given the available data …...
Read More »What is Post-Keynesian economics?
What is Post-Keynesian economics? [embedded content]
Read More »Rom i regnet (personal)
Rom i regnet (personal) [embedded content] Fortfarande så underbart bra. Det är bara sluta ögonen och lyssna, så är man tillbaka i den värld och de upplevelser som var ens eget 70-tal. Tack Ulf!
Read More »Gretl — econometrics made easy
Gretl — econometrics made easy [embedded content] Thanks to Allin Cottrell and Riccardo Lucchetti we today have access to a high-quality tool for doing and teaching econometrics — Gretl. And, best of all, it is totally free! Gretl is up to the tasks you may have, so why spend money on expensive commercial programs? The latest snapshot version of Gretl can be downloaded here. [And yes, I do know there’s another fabulously good and free program — R. But R...
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