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Lars Pålsson Syll
Professor at Malmö University. Primary research interest - the philosophy, history and methodology of economics.

Lars P. Syll

Wren-Lewis and the dangerous MMT

Wren-Lewis and the dangerous MMT Professor Simon Wren-Lewis recently wrote: “The dangers of pluralism in economics: the case of MMT” … Wren-Lewis argues that MMT concepts can be explained using mainstream terminology. Since I tend to use fairly standard terminology, I cannot disagree with that argument. However, I would phrase it differently. Mainstream discussion of fiscal policy is almost invariably clouded with theoretical junk (“fiscal sustainability”,...

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Why does someone have to die?​

Why does someone have to die?​ [embedded content] In memory of Kristina, beloved wife and mother of David and Tora. Twenty-five​ years have passed since the day the unthinkable happened. People say that time heals all wounds. I wish that was true. But in dreams, I can hear your name. And in dreams, We will meet again. When the seas and mountains fall And we come to end of days, In the dark I hear a call Calling me there I will go there And back again....

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Aus demselben faulen Holz geschnitzt wie Erdoğan

Aus demselben faulen Holz geschnitzt wie Erdoğan [embedded content] Last week, the German Bundestag debated an AfD proposal asking the German government to publically condemn articles written by German-Turkish journalist Deniz Yücel, a Welt and taz columnist recently released from Turkish prison after having been detained for more than a year. A heated debate followed … Advertisements

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On testing in a non-repetitive world

On testing in a non-repetitive world The incorporation of new information makes sense only if the future is to be similar to the past. Any kind of empirical test, whatever form it adopts, will not make sense, however, if the world is uncertain because in such a world induction does not work. Past experience is not a useful guide to guess the future in these conditions (it only serves when the future, somehow, is already implicit in the present) … I believe...

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Var tog jämlikheten vägen?

Var tog jämlikheten vägen? Nya data från SCB visar att inkomstskillnaderna i Sverige har fortsatt öka. Gini-koefficienten som år 2005 låg på 0,27 har ökat till 0.32 år 2016. Det är den högsta noteringen sedan mätningarna startade.   Även andelen personer med “låg ekonomisk standard” har stigit från 10 procent år 2005 till 14 procent år 2016. Idag har de 10 procent av befolkningen som har högst inkomster lika stor andel av den totala disponibla inkomsten som...

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