Not MMT but worth reading. Robert Hockett is an advisor to AOC. ForbesGreen New Deal Funding: Remember Finance is a Public-Private Franchise, Not a Big Broker in the SkyRobert Hockett | Edward Cornell Professor of Law, Cornell University See also Bloomberg OpinionHow to Design a Green New Deal That Isn’t Over the Top Noah Smith
Read More »David Jamieson — Bernie Sanders’ adviser to join advisory group for new indy economics organisation
Professor Stephanie Kelton to join group of economics advisers to new MMT Scotland group New Scottish economics group to argue for Modern Monetary Theory policies for independent state. Some of the worlds most influencial MMT advocates to join advisory panel, including key Sanders 2016 campaign adviser Prof Stephanie Kelton. MMT part of a new wave of economic thought around the developed world. Heterodox economic school sets economic thinkers in opposition to Growth Commission...
Read More »Lev Golinkin — Neo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine
Longish and detailed, with lots of documentation. It's an excellent reference tool.Concerning in itself but also because of US support that turns a blind eye to it. "Never again" is happening again.The NationNeo-Nazis and the Far Right Are On the March in Ukraine Lev Golinkin
Read More »Judd Gregg — Water does run uphill
This economic theory [MMT] could best be described as the equivalent of claiming that water runs uphill, the sun rises in the West and apples do not fall from trees. It is the Alfred E. Neuman platform of political posturing. It takes “What, Me Worry?” to a new level in promoting political ideas that are fiscally dysfunctional. Two weeks ago, the U.S. national debt passed $22 trillion. You get the idea. Another clueless "progressive" determined to lose. And if they won, they would be...
Read More »Josh Marshall — Thinking about the Magical Elixir of MMT
I have no doubt that there are MMT advocates reading this now saying, no, you’re not getting what MMT says or you’re caricaturing it. Maybe. But what I’m able to speak to is how it is playing out in a political context. As Bruenig explains, if you want Northern European-style social democracy you’re going to need to have significantly or dramatically higher rates of taxation. And not only much higher rates on the uber wealthy but generally higher rates on a much broader range of the...
Read More »Kevin Drum — Is MMT the Liberal Version of Supply-Side Economics?
Kevin Drum is clearly an apologist rather than a serious commentator. Ignore him. So far, then, MMT has not seduced most lefty economists into becoming defenders of crank theories the way supply-side economics did on the right. Hooray for us! He is a reason that progressives that follow the line he touts will lose, or if they win, will fail. Clueless, and don't want to know. Mother JonesIs MMT the Liberal Version of Supply-Side Economics?Kevin Drum
Read More »Randy Wray — Response to Doug Henwood’s Trolling in Jacobin
Doug Henwood has posted up at Jacobin an MMT critique that amounts to little more than a character assassination. It is what I’d expect of him in his reincarnation as a Neoliberal critic of progressive thought. ( It adopts all the usual troll methodology: guilt by association, taking statements out of context, and paraphrasing (wrongly) without citation.... New Economic Perspectives Response to Doug Henwood’s Trolling...
Read More »Bill Mitchell — The NAIRU/Output gap scam
There is a campaign on the Internet calling itself CANOO (the Campaign against nonsense output gaps) which one Robin Brooks, economist at the Institute of International Finance and former Goldman Sachs and IMF employee, is pursuing. You cannot easily access his written memos on this because the IIF forces you to pay for them. However, there is nothing novel about his claims and the points he is making are well-known. However, they are points that are worthwhile repeating at loud volume...
Read More »Lars P. Syll — What’s wrong with MMT? Nothing!
Removing some confusions. See the comments also.Lars P. Syll’s BlogWhat’s wrong with MMT? Nothing!Lars P. Syll | Professor, Malmo University
Read More »Forget recession. It’s not going to happen.
Fiscal realities as well as the credit situation will support economy and stocks for as far as you can see.
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