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Mike Norman Economics

Karl W. Smith — Democrats Will Profit From Trump’s Populism

Likewise, Ocasio-Cortez has forced elites on both sides to at least grapple with the economic tenets of modern monetary theory. MMT, as it is known, suggests that a government with its own currency does not need to raise taxes in order to increase spending. So far MMT has faced strong pushback from elites of the left and right. But its basic contention, that deficit spending isn’t as bad as you have been led to believe, is gaining support. These two propositions — that the government...

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MMT at Davos

What the Davos crowd is talking about.SFGateAmong some in Davos, debate over Ocasio-Cortez's proposed 70 percent tax on rich is overHamza Shaban, The Washington Post See also NY PostHow elite financiers feel about Ocasio-Cortez's proposed wealthy tax Jaron Steinbuch

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Michael Graham — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s fiscal vision adds up – to trillions

So longer just "socialist"! Now it is "pseudo-communist." Some people are becoming really unhinged! No wonder she wants to criminalize Michael Bloomberg’s wealth (though not his politics or campaign contributions) and supports something called “Modern Monetary Theory” — which says that every time the government spends $10 but only collects $8 in taxes to pay for it, you’re actually up two bucks. MMT says that the government owes it to the people to just keep printing money to pay for all...

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Thomas Wright — Trump’s Foreign Policy Is No Longer Unpredictable–Gone Are the Days of a Divided Administration

After he won, Trump had a problem. He was completely unprepared to govern and had hardly anyone on his team who was qualified to hold high office in matters of national security. This dearth, coupled with his continuing grudge against the establishment experts who opposed him during the campaign, led him to turn to retired generals and captains of industry, including James Mattis as secretary of defense, Rex Tillerson as secretary of state, Gary Cohn as director of the National Economic...

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Brian Romanchuk — If You Want To Understand MMT…

Brad DeLong has written a primer on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT), and just gave an important lesson about MMT: if you want to understand MMT, you need to read a primer written by a MMTer. I am not going to hold myself out as an expert on DeLong's thinking, but I would argue that a fear of bond market disruptions is a constant theme in his writings. Bond Economics If You Want To Understand MMT...Brian Romanchuk

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Bill Mitchell — Operationalising core MMT principles – Part 2

This is the second and final part of this cameo set, which aims to clear up a few major blind spots in peoples’ embrace with Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). This is all repetition. I don’t apologise for that and it does not reflect a slack or bad editorial approach from yours truly as some critics have claimed. Repetition is how we learn. Reinforcing things in different ways (aka repetition) helps people come to terms with concepts and ideas that give them dissonance. MMT is certainly about...

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Gordon Dinmack – nterview #01: @Ian56789 | The man smeared as a “Russian Bot” by the UK media

A man who calls himself, Ian65, was outed by the British Government as a Russian bot for his tweeting. He said that after 9/11 he started doing research using the internet and learnt about things, like, PNAC, and other Neocon groups. He then realized that we are being told a mass of lies, so he started tweeting about what he had found and he built up a big following.I was doing the same on Facebook for a while, but no one said anything. I stopped doing it because I didn't like Facebook...

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The Duran – Fake news media FREAK OUT over Trump and NATO

It's worth watching for the Tucker Carlson interview of the raging Neocon, David Tafuri, which starts at 6:00, although the whole thing is good. [embedded content] The Duran’s Alex Christoforou and Editor-in-Chief Alexander Mercouris discuss the media meltdown over remarks that U.S. President Trump may have made with regard to NATO, and how neo-liberal war hawks championing the alliance as some sort of foreign policy projection of peace and democracy, are really just supporting aggression,...

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