Russian and Chinese military capability versus US. The Vineyard of the Saker Button up yer bungholes boys n’ girls, cuz Baba Beijing is bringing on the badass Jeff Brown Crossposted from China Rising
Read More »RT — First they came for Alex Jones… Now Facebook bans Venezuela news site
Days after the purge of Alex Jones from social media, Big Tech seems to have found another suitable target for apparent censorship. Facebook suspended the page of a prominent leftist news site writing about Venezuela., a left-leaning news site that writes from a pro-Bolivarian revolution stance, has been around since 2003. Critics, including the US government, brand it as a propaganda outlet of the government in Caracas. The site says it is funded by donations and...
Read More »Dollar Bounces To Highs And I’m Selling
Dollar rebounded today back to 52 week highs. I’m getting more short.
Read More »Danny Blue: The Life of a Mentalist in Danger
Do you know, I was just watching a Real News video where a professor was saying that we are now closer to a nuclear catastrophic than ever before and I was sizing it up for MNE's when I got depressed. We read here all the time about the evil side of human nature and it can get hard at times, so I thought, how can I cheer myself up a bit and maybe find something different for MNE's, and then I thought of Danny blue, a mentalist. I watched a number of his videos a few years back and I was...
Read More »Tyler Durden — US Senate Calls On Julian Assange To Testify
Julian Assange has been asked to testify before the US Senate Intelligence Committee as part of their Russia investigation, according to a letter signed by Senators Richard Burr (R-NC) and Mark Warner (D-VA) posted by the official WikiLeaks Twitter account. The letter, delivered to Assange at the Ecuadorian embassy in London, reads in part "As part of the inquiry, the Committee requests that you make yourself available for a closed interview with bipartisan Committee staff at a mutually...
Read More »Michael Roberts — Greece: on parole
Backgrounder on Greece (and the IMF and Eurocrats). A sad tale of elite rule and rent extraction off the back of ordinary workers with no power or influence — unless they rise up angry and are willing to pursue it.Michael Roberts BlogGreece: on paroleMichael Roberts
Read More »Lars P. Syll — Abba Lerner and the nonsense called ‘Ricardian equivalence’
Abba Lerner versus Robert Barro.Lars P. Syll’s BlogAbba Lerner and the nonsense called ‘Ricardian equivalence’Lars P. Syll | Professor, Malmo University
Read More »Bill Mitchell — MMT is just plain old bad economics – Part 1
On August 6, 2018, British tax expert Richard Murphy who is becoming increasingly sympathetic to the principles of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) published a blog post, which recorded an exchange with one James Meadway, who is the economics advisor to the Shadow Chancellor John McDonnell in Britain. The exchange took place on the social media page of a Labour Party insider who has long advocated a Land Tax, which McDonnell is on the public record as saying will “raise the funds we need” to...
Read More »Keiser Report: Emerging & Declining Superpowers (E1263)
This is good, a top US official says that China is overloading the world with debt as it builds its new Silk Road and invests in those countries. Now that's rich, the West has been overloading the world in debt for decades through the IMF and the World Bank and plundering their economies through privatisation so that its elite can buy up everything in those countries. But China is investing in third world countries instead, helping them to build up their economies making them richer, which...
Read More »Graham E. Fuller — Pakistan Elections—Maybe Good News for Pakistan, But Not for U.S.
Backgrounder. Should read if interested in geopolitics, geostrategy and international relations. This is a pivotal area of the world that most Westerners ignore as "backward." It is now coming into play and will be increasingly influential in the dynamic among the Atlanticists, Russia, India, and China, owing to developing strategic importance as the rivalry between the Global North and West versus the Global South and East heats up. This pretty much boils down to the developed world...
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