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Mike Norman Economics

Zero Hedge — Ten Bombshell Revelations From Seymour Hersh’s New Autobiography

The cream of Sy Hersh's autobiography. From a recent The Intercept interview and book review — If Hersh were a superhero, this would be his origin story. Two hundred and seventy-four pages after the Chicago anecdote, he describes his coverage of a massive slaughter of Iraqi troops and civilians by the U.S. in 1991 after a ceasefire had ended the Persian Gulf War. America’s indifference to this massacre was, Hersh writes, “a reminder of the Vietnam War’s MGR, for Mere Gook Rule: If it’s a...

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The Real News – Why Are Liberal Media Outlets Not Questioning Russiagate? Q&A (Pt 4/5)

I thought this was an excellent analysis of the Ruissiagate myth.  Paul Jay describes how the Russians were once portrayed as evil, godless communists, but now they are capitalist the establishment stills portrays Russia as deadly evil. People were  programmed to hate Russia during the Cold War and this is still deep in American psyche (which was designed to also put people off communism)  and with all that momentum built up it is easy to still get people worked up and frightened about...

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Eric Zuesse – Conclusive Proof: Hitler Intended Exterminating All the World’s Jews

First Annotated Web-Publication of the Complete Official Record of Hitler’s Meeting with, and Promises to, the Mufti of Jerusalem Chilling reading! Adolf Hitler’s private and confidential meeting with the Grand Mufti of Jerusalem, on 28 November 1941, right at the start of his Holocaust to get rid of “the Jews,” was enormously significant historically, because he was here secretly informing the leader of Palestine, about what Hitler’s plan was for Jews after Hitler would eliminate them from...

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World Economic Forum — Emerging economies are now richer than the West

 Emerging and Developing Economies for the First Time Account for a Larger Share of World GDP or Global Output Than Developed Economies; A Point Surpassed After the 2008 Financial Crisis That Has Continued Apace (See Figure 1).... How has this been achieved? Possessing good institutions is what economists have come to focus on and the spread of such institutions seems to have been key, as the father of New Institutional Economics predicted. The seminal work in this area was by Douglass...

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Joseph Menn — U.S. think tank’s tiny lab helps Facebook battle fake social media

The Atlantic Council is now the national censor.Check out who and what the Atlantic Council represents and who funds it, and then go figure. Right, the Atlanticists, a euphemism for the Anglo-American Empire of the combined American and British elite and their European vassals. Facebook donated an undisclosed amount to the lab in May that was enough, said Graham Brookie, who runs the lab, to vault the company to the top of the Atlantic Council’s donor list, alongside the British...

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Tyler Durden — China Threatens Apple With “Anger And Nationalist Sentiment” If It Doesn’t Share The Wealth

I was just wondering a day or two ago just how long it was going to take for China to play the Apple card.Making an offer you can't refuse.Coming to your neighborhood soon: Chinese boycott of US and US boycott of Chinese goods by patriotic consumers.Zero HedgeChina Threatens Apple With "Anger And Nationalist Sentiment" If It Doesn't Share The Wealth Tyler DurdenSee alsoWhere did that technology come from?The Political Economy of DevelopmentMariana Mazzucato on the State behind trillion...

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Evgeni Super — Russia has started building its own Internet

"Digital divide" takes on new meaning and the world fractures into opposing camps. Where does it should like that is leading? Russia has started work to create a global satellite Internet system “Sphere”. The project involves deployment of a system consisting of 640 small satellites that will provide integrated communication, navigation and remote sensing throughout the planet. This incredibly complex but implementable task will allow us to create our own national system of access to the...

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Asad Zaman — Methodology of Modern Economics

My paper is a survey of the huge amount of solid empirical evidence against the utility maximization hypothesis that is at the core of all microeconomics currently being taught today in Economics textbooks at universities all over the world. It is obviously important, because if what it says is true, the entire field of microeconomics needs to be re-constructed from scratch. Nonetheless, it was summarily rejected by a large number of top journals, before being eventually published by Jack...

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