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Mike Norman Economics

Brazil and Argentina Just Agreed to Use Local Currencies for Bilateral Energy Trade, In Yet Another Snub for US Dollar — Nick Corbishley

Another step toward de-dollarization. How, as Nick Corbishley, this is not the final goal, which is the establishment of a new monetary system that ushers the Global South/East into the club from which the current arrangements not only exclude them but also submit them for control. This will take time and the process is not yet clear enough to be foreseeable.Naked CapitalismBrazil and Argentina Just Agreed to Use Local Currencies for Bilateral Energy Trade, In Yet Another Snub for US...

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Fed’s Bullard’s rate target would cause inflation to skyrocket

St Louis Fed president James Bullard can't do simple arithmetic. If he could, he'd understand that his rate target will add trillions to annual gov't spending, causing inflation to skyrocket. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. https://www.mmteconomics.com/ Mike Norman Twitter https://twitter.com/mikenorman Mike Norman Economics: https://mikenormaneconomics.blogspot.com/ Understanding the Daily Treasury Statement video course....

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Breaking Down the Market for Misinformation — Gonzalo Cisternas and Jorge Vásquez

Assumes (tacitly) 1) that objective "fact-checking" is possible to achieve and 2) that a majority of consumers of information will deem the so-called fact-checking credible. Both of these implicit assumptions seem questionable evidential  in light of mistakes and anecdotally (based on responses when sending people to purported fact-checking sites).New words addressing this have become internet memes, like "truthiness" and "gaslighting."Liberty Street EconomicsBreaking Down the Market for...

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Deceiving people using monetary affordability —— Peter May

Sunak has proclaimed, according to the BBC, “Where we are now is that the unions are asking for a 17% pay rise – and I think most people watching will recognise that clearly that’s not affordable”.Most people if they do recognise this, have, of course, been brainwashed and I’m beginning to conclude that it is remarkable that the people can be lied to and deceived with such breathtaking confidence by our ruling elite, while remaining unquestioned by the media.In fact, where we are now is that...

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A Peculiar Form of American Madness — W. J. Astore

America is touched by a peculiar form of collective madness that sees military action as creative rather than destructive, desirable rather than deplorable, and constitutive to democracy rather than corrosive to it….Actually, the US is an empire (successor to the British empire) rather than the liberal democracy it presents itself as.The difference between America and fascist states is that in fascist states corporations are at the service of the state and in the US the state is at the...

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Michael Hudson Answers Questions on Europe’s Self-Immolation, Fed’s Malpractice, Changing World Order — Mohammad Itmaizeh

Yves here. We trust you’ll enjoy this wide-ranging but compact interview with Michael Hudson on Lebanon’s Almayadeen TV. The topics include Europe’s de-industrialization, the Fed fighting the wrong war and hurting innocent bystanders, the rise of new power blocs, and debt....Naked CapitalismMichael Hudson Answers Questions on Europe’s Self-Immolation, Fed’s Malpractice, Changing World OrderQuestions from Almayadeen TV, Lebanon by Mohammad Itmaizeh

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Yield Curve Inversions And Recessions — Brian Romanchuk

This article continues the previous discussion of bank net interest margins. In it, I discussed how changes in the yield curve changed the net interest margin (NIM) for banks. This showed up historically — when bank balance sheets were shattered by the combination of holding long-dated mortgages with low fixed coupons versus having a sky-high short-term rate imposed by deranged Monetarists. In this article, I address a common macroeconomic story: yield curve inversions cause recessions by...

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Spending chains and Sankey diagrams — Alan Hutchison

Understand spending chains and you understand a fair chunk of Modern Monetary Theory. When the government spends into the economy it initiates a sequence of financial flows in the non-government sector. The first recipient of the spending is likely to re-spend some or all of it and subsequent recipients will do the same, and so on. That’s a spending chain.At first glance it looks as if the money will bounce around the economy forever and if that were the case the government would have to...

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New Telegraph (Nigeria) — Kaboub To Deliver African Migration Summit Lecture December 8

The 2nd African Migration Summit (AMS) has been slated for December 8, with Associate Professor, Fadhel Kaboub from Denison University, Ohio, United States of America, as the guest speaker. He is to deliver a presentation titled: “Are We Prepared For Mass Climate Migration: A Coherent Framework For Resilience And Justice.” Themed “Climatic Change, Migration And Africa’s Future,” the summit would also be chaired by Nigeria’s House of Representatives Committee Chairman on Diaspora Matters,...

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