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Mike Norman Economics

Janet Yellen worried about liquidity crisis.

Making plans for a self-induced crisis thanks to the Fed. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics: Understanding the Daily Treasury Statement video course.

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Another cheap shot taken at MMT. And what’s with all the negativity?

Another person with a straw man argument "proving" MMT is wrong. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics: Understanding the Daily Treasury Statement video course.

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Why would it make sense to pay more tax-credits to those holding tax-credits? — Clint Ballinger

Imagine a new democracy imposes taxes on itself; the tax-credit is then spent, taxed back, thus provisioning public goods in the process.Not all spending is taxed back, thus the public has savings of tax-credits.Why would it make sense to pay more tax-credits to those holding tax-credits?....ClintBallinger.comWhen are payments to holders of the tax-credit by the state ever a useful policy?Clint Ballinger

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The UK’s debt crisis is going to be unique. And not in a good way. — Philip Pilkington

Boris Johnson has dropped out of the leadership race in Britain. Word on the street is that this means that Rishi Sunak has all but gotten the job. Sunak has long been the City of London’s candidate, having held a career in finance before he became an MP. He started as an analyst at Goldman Sachs and then moved into hedge funds. By all accounts, Sunak is a smart chap who understands markets.Already the chatter has started that Sunak’s tenure is going to be less a government than a...

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Bill Mitchell — A circular system of nonsense–conventional media reporting on the monetary system

There were two headlines on Australia’s national broadcaster, the ABC’s news site this morning that tell us that there has been little progress made in helping people better understand the way the monetary system operates and the capacities of the currency-issuing government within it. Both articles merely rehearsed the standard mainstream fictions, which makes them dangerous, in that they perpetuate the system that has held the world back from addressing its major challenges. By creating...

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Misreading Xi and the rise of Li — Uwe Parpart

How Western analysts and leaders confuse their projections, here about China, with reality, hnece, fail to grasp what is actually happening. This violates Sun Tzu's first precept: know yourself and know your adversary. (Art of War, 3:18)Uwe Parpart that Xi is not resurrecting Mao and moving away from Deng, in fact, just the opposite.Ideologically blinded Western analysts and officials consistently miss the point. China’s state is the least ideological, most ruthlessly pragmatic entity in the...

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Universalise Public Services, Fund Job Guarantee, Provide Generous Income Support’ Sowmya Sivakumar interviews — Fadhel Kaboub

 In the second and last part of the interview, MMT economist Fadhel Kaboub explains why and how India should urgently work on an alternative framework of development that leaves no one behind.News ClickUniversalise Public Services, Fund Job Guarantee, Provide Generous Income Support’ Sowmya Sivakumar interviews Fadhel Kaboub

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