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Mike Norman Economics

“Nick Hudson of PANDA doesn’t want you to get vaccinated so he can make money | MyBroadband Forum”

My enemies on twitter nowadays seem to be the alt left, (well, I don't meet the alt-right very often), which includes Caitlin Jonestone, Jonathan Cook, and a few other leading left wingers who I've had fights with on twitter recently over their Covid conspiracies. And Richard Werner is completely off his rocker - a chemtrails guy. There isn't a conspiracy theory he doesn't believe. Taylor Hudak, Julian Assange's lawyer and a covid conspiracist, tweeted about Nick Hudson the other day. Who is...

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Vincent Brussee – China’s Social Credit System Is Actually Quite Boring

A supposedly Orwellian system is fragmented, localized, and mostly targeted at businesses.The SCS’s main aim is to improve the enforcement of legal and administrative rules. Food safety scandals are a recurring problem in China, as are workplace safety issues, wage arrears, and noncompliance with contracts and court orders. When it came to tackling these problems, there were laws in place, but enforcement was lackluster,.. China’s Social Credit System Is Actually Quite Boring

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China issues outline to promote standardized national development — Xinhua

With improvements to be made in the standardized management system with Chinese characteristics, a market-driven, government-guided and enterprise-oriented standardized development pattern featuring mass participation and opening-up and integration will take shape in China by 2035....Longterm development strategy for a managed economy.ECNSChina issues outline to promote standardized national developmentXinhua (Chinese state media)See alsoNegative list for market access to be further...

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The Science Of Propaganda Is Still Being Developed And Advanced — Caitlin Johnstone

Builds on Ben Norton's post at The Grayzone about "brain warfare" as the latest iteration in the arsenal of hybrid warfare. And, yes, it is being used domestically as well. Not that this is anything new. What's new is the openness in declaring it.CaitlinJohnstone.comThe Science Of Propaganda Is Still Being Developed And AdvancedCaitlin JohnstoneSee AlsoThe Guardian (UK)Singapore’s new ‘foreign interference’ law leaves journalists like me with an impossible puzzleKirsten Han

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Zero Hedge — Gazprom Hikes Export Prices As Moscow Urges Europe To Fix Ties To Avoid More Gas Shortages

 Typically snarky post but also with some apparently factual information, too. Bottom line is that the Europeans are outraged at Russia for not supplying more gas at a lower price when European policy resulted in the crisis in the first place. Other factors at work, too, but European policy failures seem to be the fundamental reason behind it. Or maybe they were relying on the promise of American LNG. So where is it?Zero HedgeGazprom Hikes Export Prices As Moscow Urges Europe To Fix Ties To...

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Bill Mitchell — US labour market–recovery in a fairly languid state

Last Friday (October 8, 2021), the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their latest labour market data – Employment Situation Summary – September 2021 – which reported a total payroll employment rise of only 194,000 jobs in August and a 0.4 points decline in the official unemployment rate to 4.8 per cent. The combination of rising employment and falling unemployment might suggest that things are improving. But the reality is that the active labour force shrunk significantly as the...

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Links —9 Oct 2021

Moon of Alabama [Taliban are in a good position to play the US off with China and Russia]The U.S. Wants Back Into AfghanistanThe Grayzone [battle for your brain, reminiscent of brainwashing]Behind NATO’s ‘cognitive warfare’: ‘Battle for your brain’ waged by Western militariesBen Norton Sputnik International [like USSR putting missiles in Cuba in reaction to US putting missiles in Turkey]'Playing With Fire': Chinese State Media Claims Deployment of US Troops to Taiwan Might Prompt WarJacobin...

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