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Mike Norman Economics

Money and Macro – The Emergence of Credit Money in Europe

Evonomics on tweeted about an article on What Is Money. I read the article but it was so complicated, so I refered to my own two MNEs article that I wrote here on MNEs on what is money. I wasn't contradicting the Evonomics article, I just thought my simple explanation was good enough for most people, because you can clearly see how money works. Just the same, someone tried to take me to task because they could not see how money was work in a stored form. Work gets converted to money, and...

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Economist Responds to Hyperinflation is Already Here by @Economics Explained

I recently watched a video by Economics Explained about the risk of hyperinflation in the US, but when he referred to Weimar Germany and Zimbabwe, I stopped watching it. In the video below, Macro and Money describe why the US is unlikely to experience hyperinflation.As an economist who studied inflation and monetary policy during his PhD, I was rather confused about one of the latest Economics Explained (EE) videos which makes wild claims and introduces many (seemingly) new theories. So, in...

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Capitalism vs. the Planet — Hazel Grinberg

The latest IPCC report paints a picture of five potential futures for humanity. In the worst one, if corporations keep calling the shots, we could see catastrophic warming of up to 5.7˚C....Humanity is living "beyond its means" with respect to real resource use and externality. The problem is that price is not based on true cost including negative externality, which vitiates the balancing power of market forces based on rationing by price. But true cost accounting would change things in a...

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AA pilot strike

What? Just go get some people from unemployment to fly the planes… sheesh how simple can it be…American Airlines pilots' union to strike over fatigue, overscheduling— Yahoo Finance (@YahooFinance) September 8, 2021

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