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Mike Norman Economics

Elie Dolgin – The tangled history of mRNA vaccines

 Hundreds of scientists had worked on mRNA vaccines for decades before the coronavirus pandemic brought a breakthrough.You can see why Robert Malone became so disappointed and bitter, he was one of the first to experiment with mRNA technology, but he made some bad decisions and ended up in the wrong place at the wrong time and lost out. He doesn't feel he's getting the credit he deserves or the rewards. The debate over who deserves credit for pioneering the technology is heating up as awards...

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LEONID SCHNEIDER – How Dr Robert Malone invented Antivaxxery

A detailed look at the mad world of Dr Robert Malone.Robert Malone says he is the real inventor of mRNA vaccines and this is why you must trust him when he warns those vaccines are deadly. Instead, to protect yourself against COVID-19 you should take ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine, fluvoxamine, Vitamin D and of course the hurt-burn drug famotidine. In a bucket, probably.With Dr Malone eagerly going to bed with quacks, antivaxxers and far-right white supremacists (like Steve Bannon), it is a...

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Finance capital and the World Economy — Prabhat Patnaik

THE period of neo-liberalism [corporate capture of the government] witnesses an increase in the share of economic surplus in total output [aggregate economic rent inherent in commodity production in monetary production economies] both in individual countries and also for the world as a whole. This is because the “opening” up of the economy to freer trade in goods and services leads to a rapid introduction of structural-cum-technological change, which, because of its labour-displacing...

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GOP governors who ended unemployment benefits failed to spur job growth: September numbers — Jon Skolnik

So much for that assumption.The results are coming in. Why won't people go back to work? Fear of COVID, inadequate compensation for the work and risk, and matching skills with requirements — a lot of people report seeking work to meet their qualifications and not finding any reasonable offers. People are reluctant to take a job that promises either a downward trajectory or getting stuck in work that is beneath their level of experience, ie., under-employed. It's not a simple as comparing the...

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Building a Predistributive Democracy on the Ruins of Market Justice — Oleg Komlik

Review of Somers, Margaret R. 2021. “Toward a Predistributive Democracy: Diagnosing Oligarchy, Dedemocratization, and the Deceits of Market Justice,” in The Condition of Democracy: Neoliberal Politics and Sociological Perspectives, edited by Jürgen Mackert, Hannah Wolf, and Bryan Turner.Economic Sociology and Political EconomyBuilding a Predistributive Democracy on the Ruins of Market JusticeOleg Komlik | founder and editor-in-chief of the ES/PE, Chairman of the Junior Sociologists Network...

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Noel Lee – Singaporean exposes CNN Chinese whistleblower torture of Uyghur prisoners in XinJiang

 The policeman being interviewed says that he defected from China because his job was to intergate innocent Uyghurs and put them in concentration camps. During the interview he is wearing his policeman suit, which he says was the one that he wore in China. So, when fleeing China - where he might never return - to go all the way to Europe, he grabbed as many possessions as he possibly could and shoved them all, along with his policeman's suit, into his suitcase. This video is my opinions and...

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