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Mike Norman Economics

TASS — Bank of Russia, government prioritize integration with Chinese financial market — strategy

At the same time, interaction in financial markets with other Asian countries will be also developed…."The priority area is the development of integration with Asian markets, primarily with the Chinese financial market. With the assistance of the Bank of Russia, work on developing interaction between the Russian and Chinese financial markets will continue," the document said....TASSBank of Russia, government prioritize integration with Chinese financial market — strategySee also at...

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Cyrus Janssen – Is China Zero Covid Policy Right or Wrong?

I know what covid strategy I prefer. As I've said before, I believe China's collectivism to be more advance and civilised than Western liberalism, and that Carl Jung and Hegel got individualism wrong, although not entirely wrong, which I've written about here before. They were right about individualism, but not about it being the most highest state, as a supra collectivism of willing individuals comes after. Western individualism seems rather crude and somewhat primitive to me. The Chinese...

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Peter Schiff on Why Bitcoin Has No Value, Calls it The Biggest Bubble of All Time

 Peter Schiff actually made some sense here, although I'm sure he regrets not buying some bitcoin in 2010 when he had the chance, but he is right when he says that Bitcoin is based on nothing. The guy who is interviewing Peter Schiff says he prefer to put his money in stocks and shares, because then he's helping a company to grow, but Peter Schiff says buying gold is a safe place to put your money, and is much better than putting it under the mattress. In this clip, Peter Schiff opened up...

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Sky News – COVID-19: Delta surge puts US economic recovery on ice as jobs growth slows

Delta surge among the unvaccinated harming US recovery. "But economists say that the latest figures show that for as long as the virus is raging (more than 153,000 cases were reported on Thursday, according to Johns Hopkins University) the economy will never be back to full health."In a few weeks we'll get the geographic detail on the slowdown in jobs growth, and it'll be interesting to see how much more dramatic it is in the Delta-afflicted South."Sky News - COVID-19: Delta surge puts US...

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Modelling direct and herd protection effects of vaccination against the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant in Australia

 A new modeling study from Australia confirms we'll need total vaccination coverage to exceed 85% of we're hoping to halt delta variant virus transmission. Conclusion: Vaccinating the vulnerable first is the optimal policy at low coverage, but vaccinating high transmitters becomes more important in settings where reproduction numbers are lower and coverage is higher. Vaccinating over 85% of the population including children would likely be needed to achieve herd immunity at the most...

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Andrea Morris – ‘Joe Rogan Is Getting This Completely Wrong,’ Says The Scientist Who Conducted The Vaccine Study

 Joe Rogan’s public misrepresentation of a 2015 vaccine study has gone viral. His misunderstanding of the study leads Rogan to wrongly conclude that vaccinating people against COVID-19 will increase the chances of some hyper-virulent mutation. You can watch the video below. But before you do, the lead scientist and author of the study who spent 10 years conducting this research has something to say. Because he’s horrified. “Joe Rogan is getting this completely wrong,” says Andrew Read,...

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