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Mike Norman Economics

Bill Mitchell — And the winner is Brisbane … well kind of … or maybe not

The Olympics have become just another commercialization of sport. If something can be capitalized, it will be, even war, or maybe especially war.Bill Mitchell – billy blogAnd the winner is Brisbane … well kind of … or maybe notScott Baum, Professor of Urban and Regional Analysis, School of Environment and the Cities Research Institute, Griffith University

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Debt Ceiling MAGA breakdown

Bannon, Navarro and a gold dude provide a breakdown on the current debt ceiling situation… I think this segment identifies pretty well the current populist libertarian MAGA GOP wing position on “debt ceiling”… MMT gets a disparaging mention…If it is re-suspended they think it’s bearish USD, if US defaults they think it’s bearish USD, if it is re-suspended -they think it is bearish bonds and if US defaults they provide no opinion on bonds…

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ARK exits China

Cathie must have got a tip-off on the commie crackdowns…(Bloomberg) -- Cathie Wood is exiting Chinese stocks .. [getting] rid of shares in tech behemoth Tencent Holdings Ltd. and property site KE Holdings Inc. every day last week, according to data on the firm’s trading activity.(h/t NatAlliance)— Carl Quintanilla (@carlquintanilla) July 26, 2021

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Projection And Deflection: Russia’s Infrastructure — Patrick Armstrong

When you see a Western piece saying that Russia is deficient in this or that, it’s wise to see it as just a projection of the West’s shortcomings.About Russia's economy and infrastructure (versus the US).US projection is hardly limited to Russia. In fact, in many cases the so-called deficiencies of other countries that the US points to were caused directly by US foreign policy.Strategic Culture FoundationProjection And Deflection: Russia’s InfrastructurePatrick Armstrong

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Washington Relocating from the Middle East to Southeast Asia — Salman Rafi Sheikh

The US shifts emphasis from bases of chaos to the perceived renewal of "great power competition between the "free world" and "authoritarian dictatorships" China and Russia. Back to the Cold War and vastly increased military spending by the US and allies. China and Russia snicker as the "allies" stretch themselves thin.NEOWashington Relocating from the Middle East to Southeast AsiaSalman Rafi Sheikh

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For Bond Bears, Patience Is A Virtue — Brian Romanchuk

Most discussion of the Treasury market coming from people who are not rates strategists involves hoping for or predicting the collapse of the bond market. Nobody likes rates to be this low, and they are an insult to those people who studied Economics 101 and are certain that bond investors have the constitutional right to demand a particular real rate of return.It may very well be that the bond bears will be ultimately vindicated. However, the rule of thumb from previous cycles is that you...

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