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Mike Norman Economics

Inflation could spark new global financial crisis, says Russia’s central bank

Warning highlights country’s growing concern over worldwide increases in pricesBut US and European central banks have said that they consider price increases to be temporary Russia’s central bank says a new financial crisis on the scale of the 2008 collapse could happen in less than 18 months if global inflation is not kept in check.A surge in public and private sector debt levels during the recovery from the pandemic could cause the global economy to “deteriorate drastically and rapidly” if...

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Jamie Carter – Why America Should Suddenly Prepare For A Billion-Dollar ‘Internet Apocalypse’ Caused By The Sun

We know the Sun is getting more active as it enters a new Solar Cycle with some predicting it could be the strongest since records began.Earth will cope this time—but what about the 1.6% to 12% chance that a huge solar superstorm occurs? And we—and our internet—prepared for such an event?Like the coronavirus pandemic, apparently not.Do we know if they’re resilient to solar superstorms? No. The last large solar events were in 1859 and 1921, which damaged the telegraph network. As for the...

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Sputnik — Maverick Democratic Senator Throws Cold Water on Biden & Pelosi’s Effort to Pass $3.5 Trillion Plan

What will it take to get Joe Manchin's vote. Anything?Sputnik InternationalMaverick Democratic Senator Throws Cold Water on Biden & Pelosi's Effort to Pass $3.5 Trillion PlanSee also at TwitterStephanie Kelton@StephanieKeltonI told you inflation fears would be the weapon of choice for those looking to scale back the Biden agenda. (I told the WH the same thing months earlier) Biden is doing a good job articulating a counter narrative but needs amplification to effectively fade Manchin’s...

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Sputnik — Pakistan’s Spy Chief Visits Kabul Amid Claims of Factionalism in Taliban Over Formation of New Gov’t

Not surprising since the Taliban is largely a creation of the ISI as a means for Pakistan controlling Afghanistan. See Wikipedia/Taliban for the history, which goes back to the CIA and Saudi Arabia funding the Afghan "freedom fighters." Truly a snake pit.The Taliban is not a monolithic organization but composed of different factions with different views and different goals. So expect a lot of seeming contradictions in the "news."Sputnik InternationalPakistan's Spy Chief Visits Kabul Amid...

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Biden gives green light to US-China thaw — M. K. Bhadrakumar

Let's hope. Hopefully, the neocons and liberal interventionists are out of favor, and the US is recognizing limitations in dealing with the combined power of China and Russia that US policy has created unnecessarily and against the warnings of foreign policy realists. Seasoned diplomat M. K. Bhadrakumar sees signs of hope anyway.Asia TimesBiden gives green light to US-China thawM. K. Bhadrakumar | retired diplomat with the Indian Foreign ServiceRelatedReminiscence of the FutureSome Hint For...

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