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Mike Norman Economics

Can Heterodox economics work together to make a difference? – a Review and Discussion of Phil Armstrong’s Interviews Review by Hannes Ingo Torbohm

Phil Armstrong’s Can heterodox economics make a difference? is an exemplary case study for a wish long-held for heterodox economics.[2] Armstrong’s recent contributions have revolved around the idea that if only the disparate schools of heterodoxy could work together then it would be much easier to make the case that the inertia of the mainstream could be stopped (Armstrong, 2018). This dream of the heterodox scholar would require a meeting of minds, a common framework, and a set of goals...

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Zero Hedge — A Stunned Wall Street Responds To China’s Droconian [sic] Didi Crackdown

Surprisingly muted to positive reaction from Wall Street. It's being recognized that tech and fintech will be regulated not only in China as the US considers anti-trust action. The reality is that the baseline business model needs regulation to avoid perverse incentives undesirable (intended) consequences — monopoly, privacy violation, and the like — that concentration involves, thereby generating asymmetry of power. Capitalism encourages economies of scale and the results in asymmetries...

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Mara Johnson-Grow – Can the universe learn?

A team of scientists thinks the answer is "yes." A new theory says that feedback causes the laws of physics to change over time, and therefore the universe is evolving too, so maybe the perfect conditions for life are not just a matter of pure chance after all, although this doesn't mean there is a designer?The universe could be teaching itself how to evolve into a better, more stable, cosmos. That's the far-out idea proposed by a team of scientists who say they are reimagining the universe...

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Bill Mitchell — US labour market recovery leaves considerable slack and rising long-term unemployment

Last Friday (July 2, 2021), the US Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) released their latest labour market data – Employment Situation Summary – June 2021 – which showed that the recovery since the catastrophic labour market collapse in March and April 2020, continues with payroll employment rising by 850,000 in June 2021. The unemployment rate rose by 0.1 points to 5.9. However, the broader labour wastage captured by the BLS U6 measure fell by 0.4 points to 9.8 per cent. The US labour market...

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Dr Robert Martindale – Inflammation: Is the Gut the Driving Force of Systemic Inflammation?

 How our Western diet is causing inflammation and most of our diseases, from cancer, diabetes, heart disease, organ failure, etc. Pesticides (especially Round Up), sugar, additives, high fructose corn syrup, emulsifiers, etc, are badly affecting our gut microbimone, but the antibiotics we were given as children have also damaged our gut flora. Using fermented food in our diet, like yogurt, sauerkraut, tempeh, etc can be help to restore healthy gut microbimone, and high fibre foods, like...

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Why Tax Matches Spending — NeilW

We are currently in an environment where people are going around repeating the mantra “more government spending means taxes must go up”.But only, of course, by people who are hard of both accounting and mathematics. It’s like the household analogy - a common fallacy.Let’s see why.…New WaylandWhy Tax Matches SpendingNeilW

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Brendan Greeley – Let’s all please stop calling dollars ‘fiat money’

 Currencies are not memes that only have value because the governments say they doNow, take the Fed. It’s just a special bank. Like Bernanke said, commercial banks have deposit accounts at the Fed. When the Fed lends them money, it marks up their accounts with dollars we call reserves. And, just like when the commercial banks lend you money, those reserves are a liability for the Fed. But there’s a crucial part of the process that didn’t make it into 60 Minutes: when the Fed marks up those...

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A Remarkable Silence: Media Blackout After Key Witness Against Assange Admits Lying

A complete MSM blackout. Total silence. As we have pointed out since Media Lens began in 2001, a fundamental feature of corporate media is propaganda by omission. Over the past week, a stunning example has highlighted this core property once again.A major witness in the US case against Julian Assange has just admitted fabricat­ing key accusati­ons in the indictment against the Wikileaks founder Tumbleweed In The ‘MSM’But all of this is seemingly of no interest to the ‘mainstream’ media. We...

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Bond yields continue to fall despite big payroll number.

A couple of months ago I said bond yields would be coming down. It's MMT 101. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics:

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Is Time Travel Possible? | Episode 206 | Closer To Truth

 Crikey, it's looks like travelling back in time is possible, well, they can't get the equations that say it's possible to break down, except any time-machine that went back in time would self destruct, but technology may be better in the future.Also, depending on how fast we have travelled during our lives, we are all in different time zones to each other. Some of your friends and relatives may have flipped forward in time by a few nano seconds.Some scientists take time travel seriously....

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