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Mike Norman Economics

UN General Assembly Once More Denounces US Blockade of Cuba — W. T. Whitney

The United Nations General Assembly on June 23 overwhelmingly approved a Cuban resolution condemning the U.S. economic, commercial, and financial blockade of Cuba, in place for 60 years, The Assembly has done precisely that every year since 1992, except for 2020, when the vote was postponed because of the COVID-19 pandemic. The vote this time was: 184 nations approving; two opposing, Israel and the United States; and three abstaining, Colombia, Ukraine, and Brazil.All along, the United...

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Economics/Finance Analysis Package — Brian Romanchuk

I wrote a free post on my Patreon discussing my open source econ_platform package, which is mainly in Python — although it supports other languages. (I produce my charts in R.) The package is available at article discusses the core of the package - the fetch() function. Using the fetch command allows me to generate this exciting Icelandic HICP inflation rate in just four lines of code (one of which is the boilerplate library initialisation...

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James Galbraith — China and Supply Chains – The White House Review’s Focus on US Depenedence

The pros and cons of capitalism. Chimerica was great while it lasted — until the US elite realized that globalization is not necessarily in the interest of the American Empire unless the US is in complete control of it. Thus, the "pivot to Asia" and the attempt to impose a American"rules-based-order" where the "exceptional" and "indispensable" county makes the rules to suit its imperial interests. What's not to like and what could go wrong?Naked CapitalismJames Galbraith: China and Supply...

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Common Dreams — ‘Bipartisan’ Infrastructure Plan is a Privatization-Promoting Disaster

In response, Food & Water Watch Public Water for All Director Mary Grant released the following statement:“This White House-approved infrastructure deal is a disaster in the making. It promotes privatization and so-called ‘public-private partnerships’ instead of making public investments in publicly-owned infrastructure. Communities across the country have been ripped off by public-private schemes that enrich corporations and Wall Street investors and leave the rest of us to pick up the...

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Did an infrastructure deal just get done?

Biden says he has an agreement on an infrastructure deal. How big and will it pass? Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Download my podcasts! New one every week. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics:

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Here Come Wall Street Rental Communities: What Could Possibly Go Wrong? — Pam and Russ Martens

If you’ve been following our reporting of JPMorgan Chase since Chairman and CEO Jamie Dimon has been at the helm, you’re aware of one striking fact: this bank has a pattern of getting into bed with unsavory characters: Bernie Madoff, check. Racketeering traders, check. A sex trafficker of children, Jeffrey Epstein, check. Money launderers, check. The guy who bragged on his resume that he knew how to game electric markets, check.Despite an unprecedented record of five felony counts from the...

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Bill Mitchell — Massive wastage of labour in the European Union

I have been updating my databases in the last few days and getting up to speed on the latest trends. In the past, I developed a set of broad labour market indicators for Australia with colleagues at the – Centre of Full Employment and Equity (CofFEE). Our quarterly measures of underemployment were precursors to the Australian Bureau of Statistics measures which are now published on a monthly basis. I was doing some calculations this morning using Eurostat data as part of some research I am...

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