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Mike Norman Economics

Behind the Headlines from China — Martin Armstrong

This is a direct communication from our staff in China. This is what I mean when I say we have boots on the ground around the world. We do not need to rely on newspapers or TV who love to spin these events. Our direct sources are confirming that life is returning to normal in China. This is not coming from any propaganda put out by the government or other accusations people love to make. I have stated plenty of times, I prefer facts – not speculation. I believe this will peak out also by...

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The Covid-19 Bailout That Big Business Is Lobbying for Could Make America Unrecognizable — Matt Stoller

Supporting industries is necessary to mitigate the economic impact of the pandemic. But using the coronavirus as an excuse, Boeing and other companies are trying to get taxpayers to foot the bill for their managerial errors. It is not too late to put a limit on corporate subsidies.... ProMarket — The blog of the Stigler Center at the University of Chicago Booth School of BusinessThe Covid-19 Bailout That Big Business Is Lobbying for Could Make America UnrecognizableMatt Stoller

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Modern monetary theory: a short guide for a world that now realises that it’s an explanation of what’s now happening — Richard Murphy

There is now a great deal of discussion of modern monetary theory going on, precisely because it appears that the UK government (and others around the world) are now behaving in the way that it suggests is, and has always been, possible. What MMT says, as far as I am concerned, is as follows.... Richard Murphy has a slightly different understanding of MMT than the MMT economists, but he is essentially correct. The glaring difference is his position on the non-necessity of a job guarantee....

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Lars P. Syll — On the non-neutrality of money

One of Keynes’s central tenets — in clear contradistinction to the beliefs of mainstream economists — is that there is no strong automatic tendency for economies to move toward full employment levels in monetary economies. Money doesn’t matter in mainstream macroeconomic models. That’s true. But in the real world in which we happen to live, money does certainly matter. Money is not neutral and money matters in both the short run and the long run.... "New Keynesianism" isn't Keynesian. It...

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Bill Mitchell – Some lessons from history for the design of a coronavirus fiscal intervention

This post continues my thinking and analysis of the issues relating to the design of a fiscal intervention by the Australian government to ameliorate the damaging consequences of the coronavirus dislocation. Today, I delve a little bit back in history to provide some perspective on the current fiscal considerations. Further, I consider some of the problems already emerging in the policy response. And finally, I consider the lessons of history provide an important guide to the sort of...

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Nathan Tankus — What if The Federal Reserve Just … Spent Money?

Nathan Tankus is a go-to guy on the institutional side of MMT. Following Scott Fullwiler, I also highly recommended subscribing to his new blog if you are into the nitty gritty and don't want to miss anything since I will only be linking it selectively. Nathan offers a free and a premium service. Like MMT legal scholar Rohan Grey, Nathan is an up-and-comer and is already becoming a star. The MMT bench is broadening and deepening. Please support Nathan if you are interested and able. Here is...

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