Germany has been the epicenter of the austerity crazy. But the only final solution is to get free of the euro straight jacket. The dollar works in a currency union of sovereign states in the US because the union is string socially, politically and economically. Those condition don't apply in Europe, and the US had to go through a bloody civil war on this way to it. The notion that a common market with a common currency and open borders has failed and failed so badly that nationalism in...
Read More »A 40-Day Plan to Start Recovery — Bill McBride
Based on the experiences of other countries, it appears the number of cases per day (and deaths per day) will peak about 2 to 3 weeks after well observed shelter-in-place orders are issued (some areas are reporting less than 2 weeks - that would be great). In some areas of the United States, shelter-in-place orders were issued a week or more ago. In some states and communities, orders have still not been issued. Based on the experience in China, it appears the recovery can start in about...
Read More »Michael Hudson — A Brady Bond Solution for America’s Unpayable Corporate Debt
A close parallel to this situation was the state of Third World debt in the mid-1980s. Mexico’s announcement that it could not meet its foreign debt service was the shock that brought ugly financial reality into conflict with the assumption that somehow any government debt could be paid – even debts denominated in a foreign currency. The international financial system was rescued by the issue of Brady bonds – “good” new bonds for old “bad” ones. The capital value of these bonds was still...
Read More »Bill Mitchell – Learning about epidemics
Today is Wednesday which means it is my short blog post day. I have been travelling a lot today. By the way, there are still some things which cannot be attended to via the Internet, Zoom or otherwise. As I continue to calculate various things along the way to my 10-point or something plan which I hope to have final by next Monday. But with limited time today as I dodge and weave to avoid the virus, I have been reading a lot of the research literature about modelling epidemics. It is quite...
Read More »Bank ownership of Govt bonds at all time high
Well who is the Fed buying their new govt bonds from then? Fed buying $15B per week since mid September and another $700B in the current two week period...
Read More »Links — 24 Mar 2020 Part 2
New StatesmanHow America built the best pandemic response system in history – and threw it awayWill Dunn Alt-M That darn coin George Selgin Yahoo FinanceOur Money: MMT for State and Local Governments During COVID-19 Crisis OilpriceWhat Happens If U.S. Shale Goes Bust? Haley Zaremba Brave New WorldHeiner Flassbeck – Corona Shock Paul Cockshott's BlogGuest Post: China defeats Coronavirus in 60 days. Builds global Sanitary Silk Road. Washington and Brussels in Chaos. What will happen...
Read More »Fed program to support corporate bonds
Fed allegedly going to buy corporate bonds to "help" this situation: Amidst everything else I’d missed that the Fed is going to buy corp bond ETFs — Tom Powdrill (@TomPowdrill) March 24, 2020 Article says: The central bank is only buying investment grade corporate bonds, not high-yield bonds. Only problem is S&P is downgrading all the big firms being effected all week: BREAKING: Delta Air Lines credit rating cut to junk by S&P. —...
Read More »Pentagon starting ‘Mythbusters’ page to debunk false rumors of martial law
Won't work here either... still going to be moron conspiracy nutters out there...Pentagon starting ‘Mythbusters’ page to debunk false rumors of martial law— John Solomon (@jsolomonReports) March 25, 2020
Read More »Is the gold market broken?
No physical gold around. Futures prices appear to be too low. Trade and invest using the concepts and understandings of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader.
Read More »Gin and Tonic?
Video here produced by Bill Still with some anecdotal results of using Quinine (Tonic Water) and Zinc against the Wuhan virus: [embedded content] Some more information here in this thread from Michael Savage using other substances to apparently dilate the virus cell membrane to allow Zinc into the virus: QUERCITIN AND EPIGALLOCATECHIN ACT THE SAME WAY AS CHOLOROQUINE TO OPEN THE CELLULAR MEMBRANES TO PERMIT ZINC TO ENTER AND KILL THE VIRUS (very complicated science-this is the short...
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