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Mike Norman Economics

A $67 bln shot in the arm?

IRS Tax refunds went out on Wednesday. $67 bln could be just what the economy needs. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT.

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If 50% of the world’s investments are going to ethically invested within five years there’s going to be a massive demand for accounting reform — Richard Murphy

The shoe is dropping.Tax Research UKIf 50% of the world’s investments are going to ethically invested within five years there’s going to be a massive demand for accounting reformRichard Murphy | Professor of Practice in International Political Economy at City University, London; Director of Tax Research UK; non-executive director of Cambridge Econometrics, and a member of the Progressive Economy Forum

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Michael Roberts — Marx’s law of profitability at SOAS

Last week I gave a lecture in the seminar series on Marxist political economy organised by the Department of Development Studies at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS). The Marxist Political Economy series is a course mainly for post-graduates and has several lecturers on different aspects of Marxian economics. Course Handbook – Marxist Political Economy 2019-20 (8)Mine was on Marx’s law of the tendency of the rate of profit to fall. Not surprisingly, the department team has...

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Treasury may be trying to counter-act the nutty Fed policy of buying up the whole savings deficit of $80B USTs per month...   by increasing the rate of UST issuance and running up the TGA...This is just like last summer under the "debt ceiling!" redux...  enjoy the bond rally while it lasts.... I think this $470B might be an all time high on the TGA...Maybe trying to increase the issuance rate to get at least SOME Tier1 UST assets to the non-govt so Fed doesn't spike the Reserve Assets at...

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Leith van Onselen – Fake left Guardian demands more low-wage migrants

The Guardian’s open borders fetish is a betrayal of the working class and plays straight into the hands of the neoliberal capitalists it purports to fight. The economics is indisputable: continually increasing labour supply via immigration, and enabling employers to recruit workers from a global pool and to forgo training, necessarily reduces workers’ bargaining power and ergo wages growth. Fake left Guardian demands more low-wage migrants Leith van Onselen debates immigration on the Today...

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“America Exists Today to Make War”: Lawrence Wilkerson on Endless War & American Empire

Retired U.S. Army Colonel Lawrence Wilkerson, who served as Secretary of State Colin Powell’s chief of staff from 2002 to 2005, says the escalation of tensions between the U.S. and Iran today is a continuation of two decades of U.S. policy disasters in the Middle East, starting with the 2003 run-up to war with Iraq under the Bush administration. “America exists today to make war. How else do we interpret 19 straight years of war and no end in sight? It’s part of who we are. It’s part of what...

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Going green: China continues massive investment in renewable energy

Chinese state-owned power company, China Three Gorges Corporation, has announced it has started developing more than two dozen of new green energy projects, requiring the total investment of $8.2 billion. The construction of 25 new projects with a total installed capacity of 3.92 million kilowatts was started simultaneously in 14 provinces and regions, the Beijing-based company announced on Monday. The initiatives are expected to create 17,000 jobs for locals and help the nation's...

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