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Mike Norman Economics


Not only can two physically separated particles influence each other, they can influence each other through time Alvin Ash, the guy who makes the spooky physics YouTube videos, did one on AI recently, and he said one day AI machines will become conscious. I replied under his video that it will never happen, and he said how can I be so sure? I then told him why, based on the work of Roger Penrose, but Alvin Ash never replied. Whereabouts in our brains do we see images? Light...

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Dark Sense of Humor Linked to High Intelligence – Study

People who appreciate taboo jokes and other forms of black humor show higher levels of intelligence, according to a recent study. Do you find yourself holding back your laughter at tasteless or morbid jokes? An appreciation of black humor could be an indicator of intelligence levels, according to the findings of a new Austrian study published in the journal Cognitive Processing. Psychologist WorldDark Sense of Humor Linked to High Intelligence - Study  

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Link — 31 Jan 2020

Gold Goats 'N GunsOn Brexit Day the Times They are a’ChangingRay McGovernA MUST READ on Assange The Vineyard of the SakerChina’s virus response has been ‘breathtaking’Pepe Escobar Zero HedgeNow It's 64: Wounded US Troop Count From Iran Attack Still GrowingTyler Durden Zero HedgeHillary Tweets "No One Is Above the Law" Then Refuses To Accept Lawsuit Against HerTyler Durden Zero HedgeTverberg: It Is Easy To Overreact To The Chinese CoronavirusTyler Durden

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Saudis Boost Crude Oil Exports To China By 47% In 2019 — Tsvetana Paraskova

The world’s largest oil exporter, Saudi Arabia, significantly raised its crude sales to the world’s largest oil importer, China, in 2019, boosting its exports to China by 47 percent and beating Russia for the top Chinese supplier spot for the first time in four years, according to Chinese customs data as carried by Reuters on Friday. While Saudi Arabia restricts production under the OPEC+ deal, it has prioritized shipments to the most prized markets, China and Asia, at the expense of...

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Karl Marx’s Law of Value in the Twilight of Capitalism — Murray Smith

Global capitalism, with humanity in tow, is now facing a triple crisis: a deepening structural contradiction of the capitalist mode of production, one manifested as a multi-dimensional crisis of ‘valorisation’ – that is to say, a crisis in the production of ‘surplus-value’, the very lifeblood of the profit system; an acute crisis in international relations stemming from the fact that the global productive forces are bursting the confines of the nation-state system, whose individual units...

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As Global Growth Stalls, The Russian Economy is Gathering Momentum — Jon Hellevig

There’s a lot going for the Russian economy as 2020 kicks into its second month. Russia’s government reshuffle is seen as removing austerity constraints and speeding up the financing of Putin’s ambitious national development programs. In his speech to the National Assembly, Putin signaled the end of austerity on social spending, Russia being the only country in the developed world, which is now seriously increasing social spending (among other things, increasing pensions double the rate of...

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They Begin To Suspect Something — Andrei Martyanov

Now Russia's main strategic secret is out and some more-or-less competent observations are being made. About time. Of course people in Financial Times do not understand the real size and scale of Russian economy and repeat same ol' monetarist BS (accidentally, responsible for driving US and UK's economies into the ground) that Russian economy's size is $1.7 trillion, but let's forgive victims of Wall Street make believe world of virtual, zero value added, FIRE economics, and concentrate on...

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Three Economic Ideas Threatening to Defenders of the Status Quo — Peter Cooper

1. Profit as surplus labor or as a property-based claim One idea threatening to the defenders of the status quo is the recognition that profit income reflects capitalist property relations rather than productive contribution.…  2. Capitalist economies are demand constrained   The Keynesian or Kaleckian principle of effective demand may not seem quite such a hindrance to defenders of the status quo as knowledge of the nature of profit, but the motivation for its denial – at least in the...

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Maternal low-dose aspartame and stevia consumption with an obesogenic diet alters metabolism, gut microbiota and mesolimbic reward system in rat dams and their offspring

Although I'm a vegan today, I consider myself lucky I was brought up on lard, butter, and milk which all came from grazed, grass fed animals, and so I got plenty of omega 3. My mum stuck to lard and butter even when all our neighbours and my friends went over to vegetable oil and margarine. Although these vegetable oils are a lot healthier now, they were full of artery clogging trans-fats in those days.Now these sugar alternatives look bad too, which can make epigenetic changes to offspring...

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