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Mike Norman Economics

BBC – Isabel dos Santos: Africa’s richest woman ‘ripped off Angola’

How the World works!Leaked documents reveal how Africa's richest woman made her fortune through exploiting her own country, and corruption. Isabel dos Santos got access to lucrative deals involving land, oil, diamonds and telecoms when her father was president of Angola, a southern African country rich in natural resources. The documents show how she and her husband were allowed to buy valuable state assets in a series of suspicious deals.BBC - Isabel dos Santos: Africa's richest woman...

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Links — 19 Jan 2020

Dances with BearsPRESIDENT PUTIN TRIES GREENING – REDUCES CARBON FOOTPRINT OF PRIME MINISTER MEDVEDEVJohn Helmer Fort RussSecurity Expert: US Relocating ISIS terrorists to Iraq in an Attempt to Nullify Iraqi Parliament’s Pull-Out DecisionDrago BosnicFort Russ News IRA makes vow: Will meet British Occupational Force with ForceJoaquin Flores SouthFrontBoris Johnson: No Normalization With Russia Until Its Current Regime Is Eliminated The Grayzone (Video) What’s happening in Russia: Putin’s...

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MMT And Policy Variables — Brian Romanchuk

One of the distinctive features of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) is the choice of variables used by policymakers to guide he economy. The choices are unconventional: interest rate policy is downplayed or even eliminated, while the requisition price used by the fiscal arm of government is emphasised. This can be seen in the structure of the Monetary Monopoly model (link).... Bond Economics MMT And Policy VariablesBrian Romanchuk

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A 97-Year-Old Philosopher Faces His Own Death

This was a very difficult video to watch, which I thought it was going to be deeply spiritual, but it wasn't really like that at all, although it was very profound.I was going to write a summary of the video, like I often do for those who don't time to watch, but I realised I would spoil it. I'll just say it's incredibly sad and shows how difficult life can be, especially at the end.It was very sad when Herbert Fingarette spoke about his late wife, and it was very sad when he was in the...

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Why Finland And Denmark Are Happier Than The U.S.

In the US freedom is defined as 'freedom from the government', 'freedom from the bureaucracy', 'freedom from the regs'.In Scandinavia freedom is defined as letting the government provide all the services - cradle to grave - while they get on with living a happy, carefree life.Athough the Scandinavians are not as rich as Americans, they have enough money to never need to worry about it, and most don't care about being rich, anyway, because it couldn't make them any happier.What does it take...

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Links — 18 Jan 2020

Reminiscence of the Future (sober appraisal)A Social Contract....Of Sorts.Andrei MartyanovAnti-EmpirePutin *Gives Up* Power and All MSM Sees Is “Power Grab”Ben Aris, BNE IntelliNews Russian and Eurasian Politics (Longish and detailed)REPORT: Putin's Perestroika?Gordon M. Hahn, analyst and Advisory Board member at Geostrategic Forecasting Corporation, member of the Executive Advisory Board at the American Institute of Geostrategy, a contributing expert for Russia Direct, a senior researcher...

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Paul Craig Roberts – Remarks on the US/China “Trade Deal”

Reproduced in full.  The first thing to understand is that it is not a trade deal.  It is Trump backing off his tariffs when he discovered that the tarrifs fall on US goods and American consumers, not on China.  Trump is covering his retraction by calling it a trade deal.  China’s part of the deal is to agree to purchase the US goods that it already intended to purchase. The purpose of tariffs is to protect domestic producers from foreign competition by raising the price of imported...

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Eric Margolis – Ike Was Right

Another really good article looking at the ludicrous amount of money the US spends on the military. Go into the Pentagon and it's so busy it's like a war is always going on.The combined US intelligence budget of some $80 billion is larger than Russia’s total military budget of $63 billion.  Today’s Republican Party is a collection of rural interests from flyover country, handmaidens of the military industrial complex and, most important, militant evangelical Christians who see the world...

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How ‘spooky’ is quantum physics? The answer could be incalculable

Proof at the nexus of pure mathematics and algorithms puts ‘quantum weirdness’ on a whole new level. I'm not sure if they will ever fully work out what the universe is, and perhaps it will always be a mystery to some degree. It probably has infinite complexity, like a fractal, and you can go on learning about it forever, and all the while it's getting spookier.  In a 1976 paper3, using the language of operators, Connes asked whether quantum systems with infinitely many...

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