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Mike Norman Economics

Jonathan Franzen – What If We Stopped Pretending?

The climate apocalypse is coming. To prepare for it, we need to admit that we can’t prevent it. We could have averted the climate disaster, and investors could have made their fortune out of renewables. Green energy was not anti-capitalism, it was a new market for entrepreneurs. Oil companies would have had a lucrative business for many years to come as we needed the oil for fertilisers, plastics, and chemicals.The billionaires who run the fossil companies didn't need anymore...

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Grahan Readfearn – Climate sceptics see a conspiracy in Australia’s record breaking heat

Bureau of Meteorology says claims from one climate sceptic that it has corrupted temperature data are false The deniers like to call themselves skeptics, but they will believe without question anyone who comes along criticising the main body climate science, without doing any further research on this themselves. This is hardly skepticism.Many of Australia’s climate observatories had to be moved because of the heat from expanding cities corrupting the data. This is science at work. None of...

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Dr Gary Novak Debunked About His Global Warming Denial

Is global warming impossible because of CO₂'s dilution? Gary Novak argues (e.g. in his book, Science Errors and on his web site) that climate models are incorrect, because of a missing "dilution" 2factor. Climatologists skipped over the dilution factor. Each CO2 molecule in the air would have to be 2,500°C to heat the air 1°C—an impossibility—because there are 2,500 air molecules around each CO2 molecule (400ppm). There cannot be greenhouse gases creating global warming for this reason....

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Bill Mitchell — Britain continues to defy Project Fear

Regular readers will know that I have been following the path of the British economy post-Referendum in 2016 to see whether the doomsday that the Remainers predicted was likely. It became colloquially known as ‘Project Fear’ as mainstream economists, so-called progressive economists who had their snout in the Labour Party as advisors (and we know where that took the Party), institutions like the Treasury and the Bank of England, all pumped out a sequence of terrible predictions about what...

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KV vs Tony Heller – Twitter Part 3 updated

As I was looking for the other thread, where I debatereed with Tony Heller, I found they were all embedded within the tweets in Part 2. I started updating Part 2, but as these threads go in different branches it started to lose its flow.  So here's another branch. SM The warming corresponds quite well with postal charges. That must be worth investigating? ? MB Correlation ≠ causation.  KV From our science is we know that is not a link, but CO2 is.  Our science is very good,...

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KV vs Heller – Twitter Part 2 – updated again

I've just found a whole load of embedded tweets, so I've updated it again. Tony Heller  This news makes no sense to me.  I read that Australia burned up and is now unlivable. KV In 2013, the CSIRO released a report stating that Australia is becoming hotter, and that it will experience more extreme heat and longer fire seasons because of climate change. ... Temperatures in Australia have also risen dramatically since 1910 and nights have become warmer. MB The trend is probably 100%...

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KV vs Tony Heller Tweeter Debate Part 1

I had a debate with Tony Heller today on twitter. He didn't debate with me for long, although his followers did - all afternoon!I will write a more detailed report about it one day because I think I did manage to exposed their conspiracy theory for what it was.Tony Heller Tweet With record cold in Alaska, rain in Australia, and normal sea ice extent,, where will the climate clown show move next?  My tweet Alaska needs several -40°F to -60°F outbreaks to have a normal winter — not one...

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Potholer54 – The cause of Australia’s bushfires – what the SCIENCE says

This video by Peter Hadfield is really good because it's latest and so it's very up to date. He really hammers the deniers in this one.Arson? Lack of hazard reduction? Nothing new? This video looks at what fire chiefs and scientists say is the REAL cause of the 2019-2020 fires in Australia, in response to amateur theories proposed by media commentators and bloggers. [embedded content]

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What is hydropower and can it be the renewable energy source that replaces fossil fuels?

This video does sound like promotion for hydropower, but I have no problem with that. It says that we only have about 30 years of fossil fuel left, so why waste it by burning it when we need it for fertilisers, plastics, and chemicals?The billionaires who run the fossil fuels companies are wealthy beyond belief, and the oil was never going to be wasted, because we would have just made it last longer, so oil was always going to be a good source of income for them. [embedded content]

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