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Mike Norman Economics

KV Tweets to Zero Hedge and Syrian Girl

I always thought Zero Hedge were quite sensible, but they put out a climate change denying tweet a few days back, and today Syrian Girl has done the same. This was my reply. 1) Global Warming Conspiracy:  Electronic communications can be hacked, so how do 1000's of climatologists around the world coordinate their data? Shown below is no ordinary pigeon. It's been specially trained, along 1000's of other pigeons, to fly secret messages around the ... 2) globe so that scientists can...

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By Wire News – Revealed: How the Media Rigged the General Election

A study from Loughborough University has shone a light on how the media joined together to rig the election in favour of Boris Johnson and his Conservative Party, and against Jeremy Corbyn. Jeremy Corbyn and his backers in the Labour Party got a lot of criticism for losing the election. They criticised Corbyn as a person, his policies, the way they were presented, as well as his 'Identity Politics' supporters.Jeremy Corbyn’s critics also said the traditional working class Labour voters...

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Roy Waugh – Climate change ‘could cause massive economic disruption around the world’

 This week, a former chief scientific adviser to the British government backed the Extinction Rebellion climate change protests as he offered to testify in defence of a group facing trial for gluing themselves to a London airport concourse. David King, who served as chief scientist under prime ministers Tony Blair and Gordon Brown, said Extinction Rebellion – like Swedish climate activist Greta Thunberg – was playing a vital role in raising visibility around the climate crisis. Yahoo...

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Links 28 Jan 2020

Reminiscence of the Future (scathing assessment)Geopolitcal Dreams. Andrei Martyanov Sic Semper Tyrannis ("As a former practitioner on behalf of the US government of similar dark arts in covert warfare I recognize this pattern of behavior.")Isn't it interesting? Col. W. Patrick Lang, US Army (ret.) SouthFrontTop CIA Officer Behind Soleimani Assassination Died In E-11A Crash In Afghanistan: Media Sputnik InternationalIRGC Chief Warns No US Commander Will Be Safe If Iranian Officers...

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Your Company’s Next Leader on Climate Is…the CFO — Laura Palmeiro

If your chief financial officer is the last person you would think of to take charge on climate change, think again. Today, smart organizations are shifting their sustainability responsibilities toward the finance function.... The focus needs to be on true cost accounting. Economic calculation doesn't work when markets are not dealing in terms of true cost owing to socialization of negative externality.Harvard Business ReviewYour Company’s Next Leader on Climate Is…the CFOLaura Palmeiro

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Assetisation and the end times of neoliberalism — Richard Murphy

Capitalism is about capitalizing whatever can be capitalized into an asset on a balance sheet. And it can be said that the creation of these 'assets' is now the focus of modern capitalism. This then defines modern capitalism as a mechanism for rent extraction, and not profit-making. And what that means is that value creation has ceased to be what markets are about. No wonder we are in the end-times for neoliberalism. Tax Research UK Assetisation and the end times of neoliberalismRichard...

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Coronavirus: Not Looking Good — Yves Smith

  Update on what is known. A lot remains unknown or unclear, especially in the fog of panic. There is also considerable misinformation. The push is on to isolate the disease to prevent pandemic. This creates an impression that the worst is already happening when it is not. The worst case is a mutating virus and as far as is known, this is not happening — yet.  Let's keep this is perspective though. The likelihood of contracting coronavirus is still very low in most places, and the...

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Bill Mitchell — If it quacks!

A debate is set by the way it is framed, along with the parties acceptance or rejection of key assumptions of the framework. These initial conditions determine the course of the debate and the likely winner. Accepting the assumptions of conventional political economy as the application of macroeconomics to policy issues all but guarantees defeat in policy debates since it is an uphill fight against entrenched forces to which one has needlessly and foolishly ceded the advantage. Bill...

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Mike Norman Economics 2020-01-28 16:14:47

Norway turns neoliberalism and neoclassical economics on its head. It does the opposite and yet it's the best place on Earth to live.All the incentives we are told about in neoclassical economics are not apparent. The cost is living is higher, probably because the wages of the poorest are pretty good, which will will increase prices. On average, those at the top earn 4 x more than those on the bottom, so when going for a meal the restaurant staff will be earning a fairly good wage. The...

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