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Mike Norman Economics

Kalecki on the Political Aspects of Full Employment — David Andolfatto

Kalecki creeps into the mainstream. First it was Minsky and now Kalecki. Can Marx be far behind? I have always had pleasant interactions with David Andolfatto and he has been open to argument about MMT. He is a careful thinker and wants to be convinced, which is, of course, a good trait. While I think Kalecki's political reasons for the chronic lack of full employment in capital and the recurrent economic downturns that are quite convincing, David Andolfatto is skeptical, since as...

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Transcending capitalism: three different ways? — Branko Milanovic

After the crisis of 2007-8, capitalism has entered among some parts of the public opinion into an ideological crisis. (I have written elsewhere why I think that this is not a general crisis of capitalism but a limited response to the decline of western economic and political power.) However, the question of durability or of non-permanency of capitalism has, unlike in the years after the fall of communism, reentered the public discourse. In many ways, in the West, the situation is returning...

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Climate crisis: Massive hole opens up under Antarctic glacier which could lead to catastrophic sea level rises

Thwaites glacier is known as Doomsday: if it collapses, sea surge would submerge major cities across globe A massive hole has been discovered in the Antarctic’s so-called doomsday glacier suggesting it may be melting even faster than scientists have long feared. The massive Thwaites ridge would send sea levels surging by up to two feet if it dissolved completely – enough to submerge major coastal cities across the globe. The Independent  Climate crisis: Massive hole opens up...

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AOC: ““It’s a physical impossibility to lift yourself up by a bootstrap, “

This is where you end up if you are Liberal Art trained to only think in figurative language...  textbook reification error 101.. she LITERALLY thinks people are expected to pick themselves up by pulling on their bootstraps...This is like the MMT people saying "does the football game run out of points for the scoreboard?".. its the cognitive equivalent ... doesnt work...So she is manifestly not qualified to work in this area and will then just go to "myth!" or some "neo-liberal conspiracy!"...

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