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Mike Norman Economics

Bill Mitchell — A response to Greg Mankiw – Part 3

On the MMT JG and the buffer stock approach to controlling inflation. Important. For some reason, most critics ignore this approach, which is central to the MMT approach to both macroeconomics and policy formulation and policy space. Interestingly, both Paul Krugman and Greg Mankiw, who come from different ideological perspectives (left and right respectively), but share much of the conventional paradigm (New Keynesianism), have difficulty coming to grips with what MMT economists are...

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Cuba found to be the most sustainably developed country in the world, new research finds — Matt Trinder

The Sustainable Development Index (SDI), designed by anthropologist and author Dr Jason Hickel, calculates its results by dividing a nation’s “human development” score, obtained by looking at statistics on life expectancy, health and education, by its “ecological overshoot,” the extent to which the per capita carbon footprint exceeds Earth’s natural limits. Countries with strong human development and a lower environmental impact score highly, but countries with poorer life expectancies and...

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Nafeez Ahmed – West’s ‘dust bowl’ future now ‘locked in’, as world risks imminent food crisis

Past climate emissions mean parts of US and Europe will experience devastating drought in 80 years, and a global food crisis could be triggered in the 2020s — yet it’s not too late to build resilience and avert the worst The Independent  Nafeez Ahmed - West’s ‘dust bowl’ future now ‘locked in’, as world risks imminent food crisis

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Climate change could render assets ‘worthless’, Bank of England governor warns

Financial sector ‘not moving fast enough’ to divest from fossil fuels, Mark Carney says It is said the wealthy aren't so worried much about climate change because they think their wealth will protect them, but I always thought their investments would be precarious in a world ravaged by climate change.  Climate breakdown could render investments held by millions of people “worthless”, the outgoing governor of the Bank of England has warned. Mark Carney suggested the financial...

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“At the Heart of Democratic Socialism Is the Ethic of Solidarity” — Nikil Saval

The foundation of the 18th century liberalism that spread globally as "Western values" and "freedom and democracy" is the motto of the French Revolution, Liberté, égalité, fraternité. It translates as "liberty, equality and fraternity."  "Liberty" means personal freedom based on the "natural rights of man." "Equality" means equal rights and equality before the law (equal justice). "Fraternity" means the "brotherhood of man." It is expressed as community and "solidarity." ...

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Nina Montgomery — Does capitalism need a radical redesign to become more inclusive?

Earlier this year, I worked on two books—featuring insights from 40 executives—exploring corporate purpose and impact. A clear theme emerged: To ensure that new capitalism doesn’t look a lot like old capitalism, we need more than just good intentions. We need a radical redesign of business at the structural level. Here are three big design questions that I encourage all leaders to ask themselves if they’re serious about inclusive capitalism: I don't think that use of highly abstract terms...

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Tyler Cowen — *Capital and Ideology*, by Thomas Piketty

Ha ha. Libertarian-Austrian economist criticizes a left-leaning economist for being "highly partisan" in an analytic book that is about the socio-economic effects of ideology.Marginal Revolution*Capital and Ideology*, by Thomas PikettyTyler Cowen | Holbert C. Harris Chair of Economics at George Mason University and serves as chairman and general director of the Mercatus Center

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