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Mike Norman Economics

Russia’s new hypersonic weapon becomes operational

The US is two or three years behind. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu confirmed Friday that the Avangard, the country's new intercontinental hypersonic weapon, became operational and entered combat duty, per the AP. Why it matters: Russian President Vladimir Putin has emphasized that Russia is the only country armed with hypersonic weapons. He also has compared the success of the Avangard's development to the Soviet Union's first satellite launch in 1957. Axios Russia's new...

Read More » – Assad Plans To Sue US Over Stealing Syrian Oil

Syrian officials say that they are looking at filing an international lawsuit against the United States government over the intended theft of Syrian oil from fields in the country’s northeast. Since October, President Trump has totally revised the goals of the US war in Syria, entirely around the idea of “securing” the oil, and has been very public about intending to have the US take the oil for themselves. - Assad Plans To Sue US Over Stealing Syrian Oil

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This policy makes absolutely no sense whatsoever—neither social sense, economic sense, or political sense. — Brad DeLong

This policy makes absolutely no sense whatsoever—neither social sense, economic sense, or political sense. Yet it rolls forward, with no resistance from legislators of the president's party: American Progress: Cruelty for Cruelty's Sake: 'This week, President Donald Trump issued a new, cruel rule that will strip nearly 700,000 struggling people of Supplemental Nutrition Assistance (SNAP) benefits. In its announcement of the rule, the U.S. Department of Agriculture cited a strong economy and...

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“Is the Market Actually Efficient? No, It Is Only a Very Powerful Narrative” — Christoph Gisiger interviews Robert Shiller

Christoph Gisiger interviews Robert Shiller about his new book, Narrative Economics. Robert Shiller also provides some general financial advice based on CAPE. Interestingly, Robert Shiller is one of the chief influencers of the economic and financial narratives of both the day and the times, and his influence spills over into the social and political narratives, too. One of the powerful influencers of those narratives is the Nobel Prize, which Riksbank undoubtedly knew when they...

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David Wallace-Wells – The Uninhabitable Earth

Famine, economic collapse, a sun that cooks us: What climate change could wreak — There has been five mass extinctions, but only one was caused by an asteroid, all the others were caused by rising levels of carbon, and each of these occasions the extinction was near total with 97% of all life on Earth being destroyed. We are putting carbon into the atmosphere at a rate that is 10 x faster than has ever occurred in the past.  The Intelligencer David Wallace-Wells - The...

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Austerity, not the populists, destroyed Europe’s centre ground

Some people in Europe saw the Far East zooming ahead and decided the answer was to increase competition and immigration at home to lower wages, and to destroy Europe's welfare state and social democracy. But was it really necessary, surely we could have chugged along quite nicely, which suited us, as most of us never wanted to be that rich, just happy?  If there was one widespread coverage that accelerated that development, it was austerity. We have now come to guage austerity primarily...

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Edward Luttwak – Why Fascism is the Wave of the Future

Written in 1994, and yet it's the most pertinent article I've read in a long time. Neoliberalism is causing enormous change, destroying communities and traditional ways of life, while jobs have become much more insecure, much harder, and with less pay.As societies advanced, it was said that the service industries would replace lost manufacturing jobs, but they didn't tell you that the high-tech jobs would pay much less than the old manual ones.On the whole, people don't like change, they...

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