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Mike Norman Economics

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Our country is divided! Our political parties are NOT divided! Sure they disagree on superficial nonsense that further divide us but they are ONE party when it comes to helping corporations get richer as opposed to helping the working class people of this country!

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Lucas Lee – Why millennials may be left-wing forever

Neoliberalism has failed the young. They are poorer than ever, and yet technology never been better. They know they've been had. And she may very well be right. Ethan Fosse, an assistant professor at the University of Toronto who researches generational politics, says that millennials may well trend further left as they age. NewsweekLucas Lee - Why millennials may be left-wing forever

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Rick Sanchez – When Putin speaks, West doesn’t listen

Putin is not perfect, but I've listened to hours and hours of his speaches and conferences, and he's quietly spoken, unassuming, reasonable, and seems to be fairly decent. Rick Sanchez and Oliver Stone likes him, and so do I.Russian President Vladimir Putin held his annual televised Q&A session in Moscow before thousands. He took more than four hours to answer dozens of questions. Why didn’t US news cover the event? Rick Sanchez reports. [embedded content]

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Bolivia’s Evo Morales: Political comeback despite arrest warrant? | DW News

I just want to know what the music is?Anyway, he's back!Former Bolivian President Evo Morales is planning to campaign for the upcoming Bolivian election from his exile in Argentina. During his first public appearence in Buenos Aires, he held a speech to his supporters. Argentina’s new leftist government has granted Morales refugee status. Morales left Bolivia after a contested October election that caused a political crisis. Morales claims he was overthrown in a right-wing coup. Prior to...

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Prosecutors say the recording of deceased convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s July 23 suicide attempt has gone missing.

Apparently, the authorities went mental when they found out that Epstein’s guards were asleep, so now they are in court, but the tape that monitored Epstein has gone now missing and there is no outcry. There was also another camera but that wasn't working.Prosecutors say the recording of deceased convicted sex offender Jeffrey Epstein’s July 23 suicide attempt has gone missing. RT America’s Rachel Blevins reports. Then legal and media analyst Lionel dives in. [embedded content]

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The Times – Meet Boris’s Babies — they’re young, fun and working class

The twentysomethings about to enter the Commons will make Westminster ‘the gayest parliament in the world’, Grant Tucker and Rosamund osamund Urwin report Blue Labour say they represent the working class, who they say despise Corbyn and his 'communist' supporters, plus they also despise the Remain Labour centre.Blue Labour are the very patriotic working class, with many supporting the Monarchy, the Establishment, and the ruling class. They call Corbyn supporters, like me, communists,...

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Rebel Wisdom – Fighting Postmodernism from the Left, Helen Pluckrose & Peter Boghossian

Identity Politics has taken over British universities and has started to become authoritarian, say the panel here. They think it will backfire as the right is already successfully mobilising against it.To save the rights of minorities, the panel says the left must fight against it. They say how the 'Identitarians' have sabotaged the left.The right describe the Identitarians as cultural Marxists, but they not Marxists, the panel says - Marxism is about class politics and economics.The panel...

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