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Mike Norman Economics

Scott Snowden – China Plans To Build The World’s First Solar Power Station In Space

China plans for the long term. China is planning to build the world’s first solar power station in space to provide “inexhaustible clean energy” according to a story in Science and Technology Daily, the official newspaper of China’s Ministry of Science and Technology. Pang Zhihao, from the China Academy of Space Technology said that a space solar power system orbiting the Earth at an altitude of 36,000 kilometers could tap the energy of the sun’s rays without disruption from atmospheric...

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John Stone – British press dramatically cut criticism of ruling Tories for 2019 election, study finds

Coverage of Labour was also over twice as hostile compared to previous poll British press dramatically cut criticism of ruling Tories for 2019 election, study findsCoverage of Labour was also over twice as hostile compared to previous poll Hostile press coverage aimed at the Labour Party at the 2019 election was more than double the intensity found during 2017’s poll, according to a study of the two campaigns.  Researchers at Loughborough University, who have been tracking political news...

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Economics Explained – The Economy of The United Kingdom

This video talks about the City of London in glowing terms, but... Well, that's for another video. The economy of the united kingdom is really a tale of two cities, it was the best of times and it was the worst of times, it is an economy with the highest levels of foreign investment per capita in the world and it is an economy with a major poverty crisis. It is an economy that is home to the second largest financial centre in the world and yet its entire economy is smaller than that of...

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Why Labour Lost: Oligarchs are Gaming Democracy ?? | George Monbiot

The oligarchs own the media and decide who gets elected, says George Monbiot. Funnily enough, just prior to finding this video, I tweeted this: Many people might not have liked Corbyn, seeing him as anti the imperialist British establishment and 'friend of terrorists', which the media repeatedly drummed in.  Now here's a thought experiment:  If the Establishment wanted Jeremy in, he would have won with flying colours.  George Monbiot - “The oligarchs have discovered the formula for...

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Economics Explained – The Historic Economy of China

Has China reclaimed its throne?  This is china. The second largest economy in the world, home to the largest population in the world and the most aggressive economic expansion in modern history. Most people watching this video now would have seen china go from a collection of mostly peasent farmers into the economic powerhouse it is today within their lifetimes. The economic development of china has amongst other things also contributed heavily to the massive drop in absolute global...

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Millennials Are Poorer Than Any Living Generation

Debt data reveals the true cost of putting career before family. Millennials (born between 1981 and 1996) are in worse financial condition than any previous living generation, according to data published by the Wall Street Journal last month. Although highly educated, they are staying in school longer, making harmful personal financial choices, and taking longer to start families. The true cost of these decisions is starting to be recognized. Men and women in their 30s are not only...

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Art Exhibition Winner, Kawasaka, 2018

This came from twitter, but I was unable to upload in higher quality. I thought it was fascinating. The Japanese woman walking alongside the second to last human picture is the artist. Last year, at the end of October, the 22nd annual Halloween parade was held in the Japanese city of Kawasaki. The contest for the best costume was won by "living pictures" from the famous body art artist Amazing Jiro. [embedded content]

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West Point Professor Builds a Case Against the U.S. Army, By David Swanson

Philip Giraldi writes - The Post investigative report coincides with an interesting deconstruction of the US military & how it operates.  David Swanson provides a lengthy review of West Point Professor Tim Bakken’s new book The Cost of Loyalty: Dishonesty, Hubris, & Failure...  But why does the public go along with out of control militarism? Why are so few speaking out and raising hell against wars that only 16% of the public tell pollsters they support? Well, the Pentagon spent...

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