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Mike Norman Economics

Labor Shortages

Gonna have to soon outlaw urinalysis and be hiring all the currently unqualified drunks and dopers I guess... or wages are going to continue to increase markedly... hard to see how a big infrastructure initiative is going to be staffed or a New Green Deal... The shortage of qualified trade workers continues to be a prime concern for the construction industry. This dearth of workers, along with the country’s threatened or actual use of tariffs, means that the meteoric rise in construction...

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Pauline Muchina and Michael Merryman-Lotze – The U.S. has killed thousands of people with lethal drones – it’s time to put a stop to it

The brutal US regime has killed thousands of innocent people with drones, and many were children. Rather than defeat terrorism, it has strengthened it. Local businesses and livelihoods have been destroyed, and family members murdered, so people turn to Jihadism.For years, the American Friends Service Committee has joined other organizations in calling for a ban on drone warfare. The United States’ use of lethal drones has killed thousands of people – including hundreds of children – and...

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Rainer Shea – China is Saving the Uighurs From Jihadist Indoctrination

Uighur terrorists have murdered a thousand Chinese citizens so far and have injured many other through bombing raids and multiple stabbings. China re-educates these Jihadist extremists, while America hunts them down with drones. The Chinese government respects Islam, and has fair and strong laws to stop religious discrimination.  If the Western media were really concerned about stopping the indoctrination of Uighur youth, it would be condemning not China but the United States... For...

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Thomas Fricke – The Myth of the Prosperity Generating Free Market Has Been Dispelled. It’s Time for a New New Deal.

This is an excellent article describing how neoliberalism has failed, and how most people have become poorer because of it. Not only did the neoliberals encourage the mass movement of goods, services, and finance around the world, but also the mass movement of people, to lower business costs - and all done under the guise of being 'nice' liberals. Whole communities were distrupted and house prices shot up even further out of reach for ordinary people. The left got the blame, so now...

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Larry Chin – Is the CIA behind the China-bashing Olympics protests?

Is the CIA behind the behind the Falun Gong?This article is 11 years old but looks at the geopolitics of China and the US. Tibet and Africa are full of resources which the West wants control of. Tibet: imperial pawn Behind the powerful din created by the popular and celebrity-embraced “Save Tibet,” campaign is the fact that the CIA is behind the Tibet independence movement. According to many reports, the Dalai Lama himself may be a long-time CIA asset. See The Role of the CIA behind the...

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Matt Stoller — The Great Turn Is Beginning

Yves Smith looks around corners before the rest of us get there. She was premature on the financial crisis in 2006, on mortgage-backed securities/Magnetar, on the foreclosure fraud crisis, on the Eurozone, on the failure of Syriza, on private equity, and on the “crapification” of American corporations.She’s early, she’s right, and she’s clear. But in D.C., where I live and work, she’s anything but celebrated. In fact, as we’ve seen, people like Yves, and many of you, are attacked and...

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Ryan McCarthy – Reports on China ‘organ harvesting’ derive from front groups of far-right cult Falun Gong

A wave of corporate media reports on Chinese organ harvesting rely without acknowledgement on front groups connected to the far-right Falun Gong cult, whose followers believe “Trump was sent by heaven to destroy the Communist Party.” Western corporate media outlets have gone wild with claims that the Chinese state is “harvesting” the organs of ethnic minorities and political opposition figures. But an investigation by The Grayzone has found that these allegations originate from front...

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