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Mike Norman Economics

That study about the health risks of red meat: An excellent news report — Andrew Gelman

Most interesting for the analysis of the process relative to statistical reasoning and news reporting, which happens to be the bedrock of economics and the narratives based on conventional economics. Short and not wonkish.Statistical Modeling, Causal Inference, and Social ScienceThat study about the health risks of red meat: An excellent news reportAndrew Gelman | Professor of Statistics and Political Science and Director of the Applied Statistics Center, Columbia University

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Links — 30 Sep 2105

Occasional Links & Commentary“Maybe we should change the system” David F. Ruccio | Professor of Economics, University of Notre Dame Zero HedgeWhy The US "Decoupling" Miracle Ends In 72 Hours Tyler Durden Yahoo NewsSaudi prince says war with Iran would gut world economyRussia Rolls Out The Red Carpet For Huawei Over 5G AFP Naked CapitalismThe Knock-On Consequences of the US-China Trade Tariffs on Global Value Chains Yves SmithStrategic Culture FoundationCulture Wars, Foreign Policy...

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Renegade Inc: The Licence To Be Bad

This Is really good, where Dr Jonathan Alfred says everything I have always said here.Neoliberalism simply is not working, he says, and yet our politicians and the economic profession say that more neoliberalism is the answer. For instance, free markets are driving climate change, so the neoliberals say more markets are the solution, not tackling the cause.What he says about scientific economics is the best, though: The profession attracts a lot of mathematicians and people qualified in...

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All the media and Western politicians are interested in is how bad China or Russia are, but Indonesia is in the Western camp and so its atrocities in West Papua are ignored.An American mining company is making billions stripping a West Papuan gold mine. West Papua was annexed by Indonesia and the rights of its gold mine was given to an American company. The West Papuans are some of poorest people in the world, while their gold mine is one of the largest in the world. West Papua is home to...

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Karishma Vaswani – ‘I don’t have any hope for my future in Hong Kong’

An interesting report from the BBC about China. If you read between the lines you will see that it is the Hong Kong's capitalist system itself that has brought so much misery to the people of Hong Kong. But the report does blame the Chinese government, as you would expect from the BBC, by saying that it hasn't done enough to counter the influence of big business and the wealthy elite in Hong Kong.Yep, it's China's fault for keeping to the agreement of One Country, Two Systems, exactly what...

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Wong Chun Wai – Have HK people lost their mind?

Malaysia's The Star Online takes a different view from the Western media of the Hong Kong protest, in that it isn't very sympathetic to them.Wong Chun Wai says half the protesters can't even articulate what they are protesting about, and many others are just there for the fun and the looting. He says the Chinese government won't crack down hard because the Hong Kong people themselves are fed up with the protests, but at the moment they are too scared to speak up in case they get beaten up by...

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