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Mike Norman Economics

Nick Hanauer – The dirty secret of capitalism — and a new way forward

Nick Hanauer says the mainstream economists have been captured by the oligarchs. He says how the evidence shows that a pure free market suppresses wages and employment so much that the demand falls off and a viscous circle sets in - a lack of demand means underperforming companies, which means companies employ less people and pay them less, which generally decreases the demand for goods and services, and so on. Everyone loses, except the 0.1%, the oligarchs.There's a curve, and increasing...

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Links — 16 Sep 2019

VenezueanalysisGovernment Signs Agreement with Opposition Factions as Guaido Declares Dialogue Over Paul DobsonReminiscence of the FutureAnd The Trolling Starts. Andrei Martyanov FAIRThe Incredible Belief That Corporate Ownership Does Not Influence Media Content Alison Rose Levy RT‘You became brothers by His grace’: Putin quotes Koran in appeal for peace in Yemen

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ProMarket — “The World Has Changed”: the New York Times on Luigi Zingales, the “Chicago School,” and the Threat of Tech Monopolies

A New York Times profile summarizes the work done by Luigi Zingales and the Stigler Center on regulating digital platforms and describes it as a necessary evolution in the traditional Chicago approach.... ProMarket — The blog of the Stigler Center at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business“The World Has Changed”: the New York Times on Luigi Zingales, the “Chicago School,” and the Threat of Tech MonopoliesSee also at ProMarketPresenting: The Stigler Center’s Report on How to Rein...

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On the ground, feeling the pulse of Protest Hong Kong — Pepe Escobar

Two years ago, in Hamburg, Special Forces were deployed against black bloc looters. In France, the government routinely unleashes the feared CRS even against relatively peaceful Gilets Jaunes/Yellow Vest protesters – complete with tear gas, water cannons and supported by helicopters, and nobody invokes human rights to complain about it. The CRS deploy flash ball strikes even against the media.... Western media accounts, predictably, focus on the radical fringe, as well as the substantial...

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John Bolton is out, but neocon agenda stays — Aaron Maté

Wilkerson believes Bolton was sacked for “political purposes.” President Donald Trump, Wilkerson says was “doesn’t want people competing with him, and Bolton was competing with him big time.” My thoughts exactly. When the new started to be about John Bolton rather than Donald Trump it was just a matter of time. If John Bolton had half a brain in his head, he would have realized that. Instead, he thought he was winning.Of course, that's not the only reason, but it was stepping over the...

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SCMP – Battles and brawls in Hong Kong’s commercial heart as peaceful protest turns ugly

Masked mobs set fire to a railway station exit and beat man unconscious after marchers defy police ban to press the government to answer their demands At least eight wounded, three seriously, in a day of petrol bombs, water cannons, rubber bullets and tear gas The Hong Kong protestors seem to be deliberately trying to get the police to crack down hard on them, maybe so the US can get on its high-horse to cause more trouble. There some very voilent video scenes here. Earlier in the day...

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Zero Hedge — Houthis Say It’s Not Over – Saudi Oil “Still Within Range”; Iraq Denies Its Territory Used

While US officials were quick out of the gate to allege an Iranian attack on Saudi Aramco facilities launched from Iraq early Saturday, a theory which the WSJ said was focus of an ongoing US-Saudi investigation, Iraq's government issued a firm denial on Sunday, which followed Iran's own denial that condemned Washington's "maximum lies".... But crucially the Houthis have defiantly announced it's not over: "The rebel group said its weapons could reach anywhere in Saudi Arabia. Saturday’s...

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Putin apparently conflicts with the Stavka (Russian General Staff) and Foreign Ministry.(Xi is facing similar pressure from the PLA (People's Liberation Army) over what it perceives as Western aggression in the South China Sea, Taiwan, and Hong Kong.)Dances with BearsPUTIN ENDORSES NETANYAHU FOR RE-ELECTION – SHOIGU AND LAVROV REACT John Helmer

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