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Mike Norman Economics

The Sacrificial Rites of Capitalism We Don’t Talk About — Lynn Parramore

Lynn Parramore reviews Suprita Rajan's A Tale of Two Capitalisms, which is about the intersection of economics with anthropology and sociology and the distinction between homo economicus of economics and homo communis (aka homo socialis) of anthropology and sociology — and ethics. Ethos (ἦθος, ἔθος; plurals: ethe, ἤθη; ethea, ἤθεα) is a Greek word originally meaning "accustomed place" (as in ἤθεα ἵππων "the habitats of horses", Iliad 6.511, 15.268),[2] "custom, habit", equivalent to...

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Bill Mitchell — Spending equals income whether it comes from government or non-government

It is now clear that to most observers that the use of monetary policy to stimulate major changes in economic activity in either direction is fraught. Central bankers in many nations have been pulling all sorts of policy ‘rabbits’ out of the hat over the last decade or more and their targets have not moved as much or in many cases in the direction they had hoped. Not only has this shown up the lack of credibility of mainstream macroeconomics but it is now leading to a major shift in policy...

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Jesuitic Casuistry

Interesting from Taleb .... just sounds like a Roman Catholic flavor of your typical Liberal Art/Platonist methodology 101 to me...i.e. in figurative language "the broad gate" (Mat 7:13)   in any case still not appropriate for use in material endeavors...For those who (thankfully) don't know what Jesuitic casuistry is, see below.(BTW my father and grandfather were educated by Jesuits; it has been my dream ---for years -- to find a Jesuit casuist for a good Twitter fight)....

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Swedbank: Fiscal more effective than Monetary

The ONLY reason fiscal may be being looked at lately is that Trump has taken direct action against the perennial export USD zombie surplus nations policies thru tariffs and other threats of executive action ... Trump is acting in support of perennial deficit US's domestic employment and production..The perennial surplus USD zombie nations are having to start to come up with a contingency Plan B if Trump reelected...This has NOTHING to do with MMT ... you're dreaming in f-ing left-wing...

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Is The Treasury Market Wrong Because Of Hedgers? — Brian Romanchuk

I have some seen some commentary about hedging demand and Treasury yields. One typical interpretation is that hedging demand is pushing Treasury yields "too low," and so the signal from the yield curve is distorted. Furthermore, one could argue that this represents some form of "bond bubble. Since I do not give unsolicited investment advice to random strangers over the internet, I cannot give an answer to those questions. However, I can safely discuss the background behind these arguments,...

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Links — 28 Aug 2019

Sic Semper TyrannisFabricating the Russian DNC Hack Larry C. Johnson | CEO and co-founder of BERG Associates, LLC, an international business-consulting firm with expertise combating terrorism and investigating money laundering, formerly Deputy Director in the U.S. State Department’s Office of Counter Terrorism (1989-1993, and CIA operations (1984-1989) Sic Semper Tyrannis First McCabe, then; Brennan, Clapper, Comey, Strzok, the Ohrs, Stee Col. W. Patrick Lang, US Army (ret.), formerly...

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