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Mike Norman Economics

US Offered Millions To Captain To Help Seize Iranian Oil Tanker — Tsvetana Paraskova

Desperation make one look weak and stupid. Wrong message.The interesting thing psychologically is that it implies that the one making the offer is money-driven and has little appreciation of honor. Selling out is just another part of the game in this twisted view.OilpriceUS Offered Millions To Captain To Help Seize Iranian Oil Tanker Tsvetana Paraskova See alsoSI'B-Team Gangsters': US Confirms Trying to Bribe Captains of Iranian Tankers, as Tehran Decries 'Blackmail'also If at first you...

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Zero Hedge — 14 Women Sue Lyft, Claiming It Is Ignoring A “Sexual Predator Crisis” Among Its Drivers

What could go wrong dispensing with licensing?Looks like the bugs haven't bee worked out yet. Roll out premature? The courts will decide.However, public safety is chiefly a government responsibility. Was the political process corrupted in lax regulation?Zero Hedge14 Women Sue Lyft, Claiming It Is Ignoring A "Sexual Predator Crisis" Among Its DriversTyler Durden

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Russia builds MC-21 jet on its own, although was ready to cooperate with US — Putin

Russia was ready to cooperate with the United States in the production of specific components for its MC-21 [commercial] jet but eventually decided to build the aircraft completely on its own, President Vladimir Putin said, speaking at the plenary session of the Eastern Economic Forum on Thursday. "It would be appropriate to cooperate [with the US in the production of components and parts for the MC-21 — TASS], we were ready to purchase the proper American materials, since they buy large...

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Keynes Goes Global: Anticipating the Global Slowdown — Yaroslav Lissovolik

Overall, a fiscal stimulus coordinated across countries appears to be increasingly expedient as the intensity of the trade stand-off among the leading trading powers is showing further signs of escalation. Rather than an ad hoc response from a number of countries a decade ago a more comprehensive, rules-based and coordinated arrangement could be advanced in a way that renders this anti-crisis mechanism a systemic part of an effective use of the Global Financial Safety Net (GFSN). Indeed, in...

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U.S. Intensifies Pressure Against Iran, Targets Oil Tanker Network — Irina Slav

So much for freedom of navigation. "Control of the seas" is more appropriate. The new sanctions, targeting an oil tanker network involving 11 vessels, 16 entities, and 10 individuals, according to Xinhua, aim to further squeeze Iran’s international oil shipments. The new penalties come days after Tehran said it will not return to the negotiating table unless it was allowed to export crude. As French President Emmanuel Macron leads an effort to relieve the pressure on Iran, the signal from...

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Moon of Alabama — Putin Trolls Trump

The U.S. military and its weapons are regularly hyped in 'western' media. But it has long been clear to (non-U.S.) experts that U.S. military technology is not superior to that of other countries. In several important fields Russian, Chinese and even Indian build weapons have much better capabilities. The reason is simple. U.S. weapons are not developed or built with a real strategic need in mind. They don't get developed for achieving the most effect in an existential war against a capable...

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