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Mike Norman Economics

Bill Mitchell – German external investment model a failure

I read an interesting research report recently – Exportweltmeister: The Low Returns on Germany’s Capital Exports – published by the London-based Centre of Economic Policy Research (CEPR) in July 2019. It tells us a lot about the dysfunctional nature of the Economic and Monetary Union (EMU) and Germany’s role within it, in particular. Germany has been running persistent and very large external surpluses for some years now in violation of EU rules. It also suppresses domestic demand by its...

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All along the watchtower: The follies of history —Pepe Escobar

Everything that happens geopolitically and geoeconomically in our turbulent times has to do with the US’ do-or-die imperial struggle against the Russia-China strategic partnership. Only total “victory,” by any means necessary, would assure the continuation of what could be defined as the New American Century. And that brings us to the necessity of reconstructing Clausewitz’s axiom, according to which, originally, war is a continuation of politics by other means. Clausewitz argued that war...

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Links — 18 Aug 2019

Bill Totten's WeblogHow do Mainland Chinese Feel … about the Protests in Hong Kong on the Extradition Law Amendment? Janus Dongye Qimeng at QuoraBrazil WireLula: “US hand” on everything that’s happened in Brazil Zero HedgeBritish Colonialism Laid The Ground For The Crises In Hong Kong & Kashmir John Wight Strategic Culture FoundationThe Anglo-American Origins of Color Revolutions & NED Matthew Ehret XinhuaChina's fight against U.S. bullying bears global significance Gold, Goats...

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Link — 17 Aug 2019

Consortium NewsPATRICK LAWRENCE: Hong Kong’s Inevitable Showdown The Vineyard of the SakerChina Daily investigation: Who is behind Hong Kong protests? Zero HedgePortland Braces For Violent Clashes Between Antifa And Proud Boys; Trump Puts Mayor On Notice Tyler Durden Evolve PoliticsPolice open investigation after left-wing journalist Owen Jones ‘attacked and kicked in skull’ in ‘pre-meditated assault’ Tom D. Rogers The GrayzoneBehind a made-for-TV Hong Kong protest narrative, Washington...

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Brian Mere – Media Blackout on Brazil’s Anti-Bolsonaro Protests

Why are New York Times and Guardian downplaying resistance to Brazil’s far-right president? The media is covering the Hong Kong riots but has virtually completely ignored the riots in Brazil. Hundreds of thousands of Brazilians took to the streets of 211 cities on August 13 to protest far-right Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro’s austerity cuts and privatization plans for the public university system. It was the third in series of national education strikes, dubbed “the Education...

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Rick Sanchez – Ousted Honduran president calls Hillary Clinton a ‘mafia boss’

The second part of the interview with Manuel Zelaya. Rick Sanchez says thay Manuel Zelaya wasn't even a progressive, and that he was just helping his country to become more prosperous. But he had teamed to with other progressive countries in Latin America and so the US took him out. Now Honduras is steeped in poverty and crime.In the second half Rick Sanchez interviews Max Blumenthal.Rick Sanchez interviews Honduras’s former President Manuel Zelaya about the reportedly US-orchestrated coup...

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Sherbet lemons and liquorice allsorts among classic sweets that could be banned in nanny state blitz on sugar Kids absolutely love sweets, and they are an amazing part of childhood. I remember going to the sweet shop and buying all sorts of fabulous sweets, where in those days they were stored in glass jars up on shelfs. You would normally ask for a quarter of a pound of sweets, and then you would see the shopkeeper stretch for the right jar, after which he would use a scoop to...

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Ben Weich – After dropping Chris Williamson event, Quakers ‘take time to reflect’ on hosting speakers accused of antisemitism

Group says Jew-hate 'contravenes our fundamental belief that all people are equal and precious' - but has a history of accommodating controversial speakers I wished I had kept the tweet where a Labour Party member listed the threats the Holiday Inn staff received after their management agreed to rent a room to Chris Williamson for a talk. Members of the staff got emails threatening violence, and eventually two men turned up at the hotel who threatened the management. After this, they...

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Links — 16 Aug 2019

Michael Roberts Blog — blogging from a marxist economistThe political economy of Peterloo Michael Roberts Sputnik InternationalUK Historians and Politicians Still Arguing About Peterloo 200 Years After ‘Massacre’ Stumbling and MumblingThe Peterloo paradoxChris Dillow | Investors Chronicle PJ MediaRetaliation? Google Whistleblower Claims FBI, SWAT, Bomb Squad Appeared at His Home TYLER O'NEIL CounterpunchLa Danse Mossad: Robert Maxwell and Jeffrey Epstein Jennifer Matsui...

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