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Mike Norman Economics

Sputnik — Great Piece of Kit! Huawei to Launch Google Maps Rival by October

Map Kit will be available in forty languages, Huawei has announced, and despite being a ‘latecomer’ to the mapping industry, the Chinese tech giant owns telecom base stations across 160 countries and regions, which it can use to implement the new service globally, Xiang Ligang, Director-General for the Information Consumption Alliance said. The Chinese tech giant has also partnered with Russian tech heavyweight Yandex and US travel company Booking Holdings to build the mapping service, a...

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The Trillion-Dollar Grift: The Long-Term Plan for US-China Decoupling — Peter Lee

Keeping the negotiations creeping along while encouraging the decoupling dynamic through tariffs & sanctions allowed the China hawks to dodge the onus of hurting the US economy for the sake of US hegemonic goals.Now, as we're entering a phase of pretty much open economic warfare, maybe that mask is ready to drop.... Preparing for the showdown.As I have been saying,  the sine qua non for permanent US global hegemony is dividing Russia and China into smaller states that can never...

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Rick sanchez – Revealed: How China is quietly ending Hong Kong protests

If the Hong Kong roots were happening in the US, with rioters petrol bombing the police and closing down an airport, Washington would crack down on them pretty harshly. It would be said the rioters were hoodlums and anachists, and along with footage on TV showing the violence, the public would support the crackdown. But China doesn't really have this option, except as a very last resort, as it could get the US involved, who many believe are behind the riots anyway. So, the Chinese...

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Reality Check — Andrei Martyanov

Has the US lost it? Expert in military and materials science and former USSR naval officer Andrei Martyanov explains why so.John Bolton, notwithstanding.Reminiscence of the FutureReality Check. Andrei MartyanovSee alsoFort Russ NewsRussia is ahead of US in hypersonic technologies, experts sayPaul Antonopoulos

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The Modern Money Movement with Andrés Bernal —William Saas, Scott Ferguson, Maxximilian Seijo interview Andrés Bernal, GND and MMT proponent

We are joined by Andrés Bernal, policy advisor to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and doctoral student at the New School for Public Engagement, Division of Policy Management and Environment. We speak with Bernal about his history with political organizing and the critical role he has come to play in the Modern Money movement, including the struggle for a Green New Deal. He also sketches out his dissertation project, which focuses on the Green New Deal as a site of collective action, political...

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Who Will Pay for the Huge Costs of Holding Back Rising Seas? — Jim Morrison

Cost is the reason that climate change is putting many people in deep denial, and even some people most committed to addressing this emerging challenge have not come to grips with what it will take engineering-wise, which determines the cost. Nor is the engineering solution always readily evident. Engineering solutions to design problems on this scale are enormously expensive in any case.  But the challenge is identifying the proper case, and getting the assumptions right.  Recall New...

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Communism vs. Socialism: What’s The Difference? | NowThis World

Communism doesn't work because the incentives are all wrong, but some capitalism with some socialism can, in fact, this seems to be most successful type of economic system (Scandinavia). And MMT could make it even easier to implement.Imagine in tribal times you're a great hunter, and you get all the glory (competition, individualism) but one day you're badly hurt and can't hunt for a while. Rather than perish, the tribe takes care of you and your family (social security, welfare) and then...

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