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Mike Norman Economics

Sputnik — Trump Says He Has ‘Absolute Right’ to Order US Companies Out of China Based on 1977 Law

When leaving the White House for the G7 summit in France, Trump told reporters that he has "the absolute right to do that, but we'll see how it goes." He later explained that he was referring to the 1977 International Emergency Economic Powers Act (IEEPA) …. Sputnik International Trump Says He Has ‘Absolute Right' to Order US Companies Out of China Based on 1977 Law

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What does Putin’s staffing decision vis-à-vis Glazyev mean — The Saker

This is important. But if you have not been following Russia, then its level of detail may obscure the key point. Sergei Glazyev is the closest to MMT of all the Russian economists of influence, and he was in Putin's inner circle of advisors until this announcement.The Saker unpacks its implications for Russia. He views it as good move by Putin, since it is simply not possible to implement a Glazyev program in Russia. Neither is Putin that powerful if he wanted to do so, but other...

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Links — 23 Aug 2019

RTEpstein: The Maxwell Connection (by George Galloway) Consortium NewsThe Missing Howls of Denunciation Over Major Sex TraffickingMint Press NewsFrom “Spook Air” to the “Lolita Express”: The Genesis and Evolution of the Jeffrey Epstein-Bill Clinton Relationship Whitney Webb Caitlin Johnstone — Rogue JournalistHow To Awaken From The Matrix Using Self-Enquiry Caitlin Johnstone The Babylon BeeReality Criticized For Not More Clearly Distinguishing Itself From Satire Defend Democracy...

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Reuters — World needs to end risky reliance on U.S. dollar: BoE’s Carney

Bank of England Governor Mark Carney took aim at the U.S. dollar's "destabilizing" role in the world economy on Friday and said central banks might need to join together to create their own replacement reserve currency.… Boom!!! (Sound of heads exploding.)ReutersWorld needs to end risky reliance on U.S. dollar: BoE's Carney Writing by William Schomberg; Editing by David Milliken

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Whither Central Banking? Lawrence H. Summers

In an environment of secular stagnation in the developed economies, central bankers’ ingenuity in loosening monetary policy is exactly what is not needed. What is needed are admissions of impotence, in order to spur efforts by governments to promote demand through fiscal policies and other means. Throwing in the towel (but not endorsing MMT). Politically, this is about control of the Democratic Party after the transition from Clinton-Obama-Third Way. Summers is on the side of the...

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Top 1% Up $21 Trillion. Bottom 50% Down $900 Billion. — Matt Bruenig

The insights of this new data series are many, but for this post here I want to highlight a single eye-popping statistic. Between 1989 and 2018, the top 1 percent increased its total net worth by $21 trillion. The bottom 50 percent actually saw its net worth decrease by $900 billion over the same period.… People's Policy ProjectTop 1% Up $21 Trillion. Bottom 50% Down $900 Billion.Matt Bruenig

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Manufacturers Want to Quit China for Vietnam. They’re Finding It Impossible. Nobody has China’s scale, infrastructure, experience, and supply chains — Niharika Mandhana

“China has a 15-year head start—whatever you want, someone’s doing it,” said Wing Xu, the operations director for Omnidex Group, which helps make large pumps for Pennsylvania-based industrial equipment manufacturer McLanahan Corp.... Checkpoint AsiaManufacturers Want to Quit China for Vietnam. They’re Finding It Impossible. Nobody has China's scale, infrastructure, experience, and supply chains Niharika Mandhana, The Wall Street Journal

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Axios — In tweets, Trump tells American businesses to leave China

"Our great American companies are hereby ordered to immediately start looking for an alternative to China, including bringing your companies HOME and making your products in the USA." The bottom line: It should go without saying that Trump doesn't have the authority to order U.S. companies to look for alternatives to China.... AxiosIn tweets, Trump tells American businesses to leave China See also at Axios China announces retaliatory tariffs on $75 billion of U.S. goodsSee also at...

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With deficit rising, worries grow the U.S. may be out of tools if recession hits

Nice figurative language metaphor here "out of tools!" like "out of money!" blah, blah, blah... no adjustment being made...  or no one "changing their minds!" either... above the fold Washington Post...@GOP With deficit rising, worries grow the U.S. may be out of tools if recession hits @realDonaldTrump is NOT making America great— WyssWriter (@WyssWriter) August 23, 2019

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