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Mike Norman Economics

Danger Ahead: Mike Pence Would Pick Up Where Paul Ryan Left Off — Stephanie Kelton

Same old, same old. The push for repeal began with the passage of the New Deal and the push won't end until it is repealed or effectively neutered by privatization. The push for austerity of which this is just a part risks another depression, and some would argue that it guarantees it.The LensDanger Ahead: Mike Pence Would Pick Up Where Paul Ryan Left OffStephanie Kelton | Professor of Public Policy and Economics at Stony Brook University, formerly Democrats' chief economist on the staff of...

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Super wacko monetarist meltdown. Meet Kevin. Patrick Bet David.

Monetarist absolutely losing their shi*t because the economy is creating jobs. Watch "Meet Kevin" and clueless imbecile Patrick Bet David. Please watch entire video. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics: Understanding the Daily Treasury Statement video course....

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Utopia or Bust — Brad DeLong

What's next. Brad DeLong makes some observations and poses some questions. He suggests that the answers the future will provide are dialectical, that is, an attempt to deal with the various facets these questions suggest. The outcomes, yet to be determined, will be the results of political struggles.It is a usual piece to provoke thinking but it is too short and summary to include all the relevant factors. After all, the world system is a complex adaptive system with many gears and these...

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The Strong Conflict Between Human Behavior and Economic Theory — Asad Zaman

Over the past century, the theory that rational behavior involves maximization of utility has become central to Economic theory. In economics, this theory is established on axiomatic grounds, and supported by intuitions and speculations. However, When psychologists examined this theory of behavior by carrying out actual experiments on human behavior, they found that the theory leads to wrong predictions in many examples. By now, an overwhelming amount of evidence has emerged to show the...

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A simple way Biden could stop this drama and ignore the debt limit — Zachary B. Wolf

Robert Hockett proposes essentially the same solution that I have recently — ignore the debt ceiling it is invalid legally.Hockett: The budget is its own debt ceiling.…We don't need gimmick vs. gimmick when we have budget lawWOLF: What about the other ideas to get past the debt ceiling? Trillion dollar coins and such?HOCKETT: The wonderful thing from my point of view here is we don't need any of those gimmicks. We just have a little garden-variety budget law on our side, and so we don't...

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Revolver: Sorry Zero Hedge, For Better or Worse the US Dollar Will Remain the King of Currencies

Nice troll of the dumb ZH monetarists… Revolver people:It is the empirical fact of apparently lucrative borrowing in one’s own currency over the last thirty years that underlies the Biden administration’s confident experiments in fiscal irresponsibility. If you talk to intelligent economists who endorse “Modern Monetary Theory,” you often find that it boils down to the above fact and does not contribute a single new insight that would justify the Biden administration’s recent fiscal choices....

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The most valuable thing there is, is information.

Like Gordon Gekko said to Bud Fox in the movie, "Wall Street." (1986). You'd be surprised how many people ignore this. Trade and invest using the concepts of MMT. Get a 30-day free trial to MMT Trader. Mike Norman Twitter Mike Norman Economics: Understanding the Daily Treasury Statement video course....

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Bill Mitchell – Investigation into BBC bias misses the point really

This week, the British Broadcasting Commission (BBC) released the results of an independent review into its coverage of economic matters – Review of the impartiality of BBC coverage of taxation, public spending, government borrowing and debt – which was completed in November 2022. The problem is that the Investigation conducted by this Review, while interesting and providing some good analysis, misses the overall source of the bias that our public broadcasters have fallen into. The problem...

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