Skepticism is growing. Why it doesn't matter too much.
Read More »To Think Outside the Box, It Helps First to Understand What’s IN the Box — Alastair Crooke
President Trump doesn't seem to have any idea of what is in the box. He may find out soon.Strategic Culture FoundationTo Think Outside the Box, It Helps First to Understand What’s IN the Box Alastair Crooke | founder and director of the Conflicts Forum, and former British diplomat and senior figure in British intelligence and in European Union diplomacy
Read More »Debunking the Indo-Pacific Myth — Pepe Escobar
The "Indo-Pacific" region is part of the rimland around China from the south and east that the US needs to control from the sea to "contain" (surround) China. The worst case scenrio for the US would be a strategic alliance of Russia, China, and India. The strategic alliance between Russia and China already exists and they are wooing India.Strategic Culture FoundationDebunking the Indo-Pacific Myth Pepe Escobar
Read More »The Taliban Have Won in Afghanistan — Brian Cloughley
Like the Vietnamese, they outlasted the occupiers. But it remains to be seen whether the Taliban will repeat a forcing of ignominious withdrawal, tail between the legs. Remember the helicopters evacuating the remnant from the rooftops of Saigon? President Trump's instincts are correct on this, but he is trapped by the politics and optics.Strategic Culture FoundationThe Taliban Have Won in Afghanistan Brian Cloughley | British and Australian armies’ veteran, former deputy head of the UN...
Read More »Geopolitics of multipolarity (Beijing lecture) — Alexander Dugin
I have written about this previously in the comments. Alexander Dugin summarized the main points pretty well. To understand the dynamic going on now in international relations, foreign affairs, military affairs, geopolitics, geostrategy, and choice of tactics, it is necessary to understand this outline in some detail. This is the grand chessboard on which the great game is being played presently between the land powers and their allies and the sea powers and their allies. The stakes are...
Read More »Breaking Down the BBC’s Visit to Hotan, Xinjiang — Sun Feiyang
Articles, editorials, and calls to action over the Chinese region of Xinjiang (officially known as Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region) have filled countless pages of news in the past few years. A chorus of voices spanning the American political spectrum, from Marco Rubio to Ilhan Omar, call for sanctions and condemnation of China’s actions in the region. This full-court press has ramped up in the last few months, with back-to-back “exposés” released by multiple news outlets. Since the...
Read More »The US Imperium Comes Out — Binoy Kampmark
The reason that Donald Trump is considered so outré is that he is replacing the genteel veneer of "soft power" of the ascendant American imperium with hard power. America the "liberator" is showing its colors as the bully. Elite critics of Trump don't disagree with what he is doing, but rather how he is doing it. No one is supposed to see it, and Trump is making things obvious.CounterpunchThe US Imperium Comes Out Binoy Kampmark
Read More »Deconstructing Elliott Abrams on Venezuela — Peter Bolton
On June 26, the Trump administration’s so-called “Special Representative for Venezuela,” Elliott Abrams gave a five-minute update to reporters about the development of the coup attempt against the government of Nicolas Maduro, followed by a brief Q&A session. The event, held at the US State Department in Washington, was textbook Abrams: full of lies, loaded language, double standards and breathtaking hypocrisy. Below, I deconstruct each of his points by providing rebuttals, context and...
Read More »American Militarism Is Riding High — W. J. Astore
What we’re not encouraged to do is to criticize or even to question America’s vast military establishment and its enormous power, even though President Dwight D. Eisenhower warned us about that establishment in his famous farewell speech in 1961.It’s high time we Americans listened to Ike as well as to J.W. Fulbright. Let’s give the latter a close listen, shall we?… I stumbled across Senator J. William Fulbright’s 1970 book The Pentagon Propaganda Machine and, out of curiosity, bought it...
Read More »PATRICK LAWRENCE — Weaponizing the Dollar
The Trump administration’s incessant sanctions wars are curbing the dollar’s global hegemony and speeding the demise of U.S. empire. Consortium NewsPATRICK LAWRENCE: Weaponizing the Dollar
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