The management of the economic crisis has had devastating consequences for our country, as well as for the eurozone as a whole. The fiscal austerity and wage reduction policies imposed over the last few years have unnecessarily prolonged the recession across the continent and generated deep social fractures by increasing economic and social inequalities.Fiscal austerity and wage reduction policies have led us to a lost decade. Across the Eurozone, we haven’t yet regained pre-crisis level of...
Read More »A very brief comment on Brexit
I've been posting less frequently with the end of the school year. Will be going to the History of Economic Society Meeting this weekend. Posting will be even more limited. At any rate, hope to be able to say something more substantial on Brexit before the referendum. Let me say that I'm against Brexit, which is I suspect the view that Wynne Godley would take on the issue. He was firmly for Europe, but against the euro as it was shaped, but not in all circumstances. He correctly pointed out...
Read More »Boom Bust Boom and the South Sea Bubble
Terry Jones documentary Boom Bust Boom has been out for a while. Worth watching too. The Economist gave it a reasonable review. And there are Minsky and Galbraith puppets. [embedded content] Above a brief, and simple discussion of the South Sea Bubble. I think role of trade with Spanish America is exaggerated. The most relevant part of the scheme was the public debt swap. Dale's The First Crash provides an interesting account of it.
Read More »Brothers on the line
[embedded content] Documentary on the Reuther brothers and the role of unions in the prosperity of the Golden Age of Capitalism. Worth watching.
Read More »On the recent productivity slowdown at the Rick Smith Show
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Read More »Vultures, bottom feeders and the debt collection business
John Oliver's story on debt collection is very instructive. It looks only at the domestic practices, but these are essentially the same as the ones used by Vulture Funds in international financial markets. [embedded content] So respectable businessmen like Paul Singer, a top GPO contributor that owns the Elliot Vulture Fund that buys debt of developing countries and sues them in New York courts, or the international organizations like the IMF that impose conditionality on poor indebted...
Read More »A novel capital control proposal
New book By Pablo Bortz (Guest blogger)*After the breakdown of the Bretton Woods regime and the subsequent deregulation in capital flows around the globe, the movement of financial assets and liabilities has increased several times faster than trade and GDP growth. While still mainly concentrated between advanced countries, financial flows to emerging and developing economies (EDEs) have been rising at an exponential rate, particularly in the last two decades. However, public external...
Read More »Winter (Southern Hemisphere) School
Announcement for those interested in a Summer (Winter down there) school in Spanish. Topics (in Spanish) Ariel Dvoskin: Teoría de la distribución y controversias del capitalJuan Matías de Lucchi: Del monetarismo fugaz a un sistema de metas de inflaciónNicolás Grinberg: América Latina y Asia del Este: Desarrollo económico comparadoGermán Feldman: Tipo de cambio real y restricción externaPablo Lavarello: Empresas Multinacionales en la actual fase de internacionalización:implicancias para los...
Read More »Argeo Quiñones and Ian Seda on the crisis in Puerto Rico
Argeo Quiñones-Pérez and Ian Seda-Irizarry discuss the crisis in this piece. They correctly point out the neocolonialist solution being imposed by the US administration. I find the imposition of a Fiscal Control Board (FCB) particularly problematic. Back when Argentina defaulted in 2002, Rudi Dornbusch had suggested something similar. At that time I sent the letter below to the Financial Times that had published his proposal. LETTERS TO THE EDITOR: Mystery of about-turn on Argentina ...
Read More »On the jobs numbers at the Rick Smith Show
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