Despite some minor points, a very interesting perspective on free trade from Ian Fletcher, the author of Free Trade Doesn’t Work: What Should Replace It and Why (2nd edn.; 2011), in these videos:[embedded content]In this video, there are some interesting points about the manner in which free trade is connected to mass immigration:[embedded content]BIBLIOGRAPHY Fletcher, Ian. 2011. Free Trade Doesn’t Work: What Should Replace It and Why (2nd edn.). Coalition for a Prosperous America,...
Read More »Gad Saad on Political Correctness
The YouTube personality Gad Saad is interviewed on political correctness, especially in universities, in the video below.[embedded content]Realist Left on Twitter @realistleft Social Democracy for the 21st Century: A Realist Alternative to the Modern LeftAlt Left on the Internet:Alternative Left on Facebook I’m on Twitter: Lord Keynes...
Read More »A Wikipedia Entry for the “Realist Left”
Here is a possible Wikipedia entry for the “Realist Left” or a kind of template for one: _____________________Realist LeftThe “Realist Left” is an expression used to refer to a left-wing political movement that rejects neoliberalism, the regressive left, and aspects of cultural leftism. It takes some inspiration from the Old Left, or the pre-1960s, non-Marxist Social Democratic left, but at the same time is not identical with the Old Left. There is some overlap between the Realist Left and...
Read More »Are You Left-Wing but Sick of the Regressive Left?
(1) are you tired of making excuses for SJW insanity and the craziness of identity politics?(2) are you tired of hearing how wearing sombreros, “culturally insensitive” Halloween costumes, or doing yoga are supposedly “racist” and “cultural appropriation”?(3) are you tired of Postmodernist B.S. and being told that there is no such thing as objective truth or that “all cultures are equal”?(4) are you fed up with the hostility to free speech on the Left and its quasi-McCarthyite culture of...
Read More »Behold Third Wave Feminism
From an interview with radical feminist Julie Bindel in 2015:[sc. question:] Will heterosexuality survive women’s liberation?It won’t, not unless men get their act together, have their power taken from them and behave themselves. I mean, I would actually put them all in some kind of camp where they can all drive around in quad bikes, or bicycles, or white vans. I would give them a choice of vehicles to drive around with, give them no porn, they wouldn’t be able to fight – we would have...
Read More »We Need an Old Left / Realist Left / Alt Left Internet Community
With blogs, YouTube channels, social media presence, memes, humour and activism – the works. If the Alt Right can do it, then why can’t we? Here is a new “Realist Left” Facebook page set up by Kain:Realist Left @realistleft There’s also a nice slogan: “Keep it Real. Keep it Left.” I like that very much.Also, there is this “Alt Left” Facebook page here that looks quite interesting:Alternative Left @alternativeleftI do have to admit I am not comfortable with some of the other Alt Left stuff...
Read More »Sargon of Akkad on the Rise of the Populist Right and Far Right in Europe
In the video below:[embedded content]If things don’t change fast, 2017 will be the year of the populist right and maybe even far right in Europe. It is already beginning with the rise of the Alternative for Germany (AfD), which did well in a recent German state election, and the likelihood that Norbert Hofer of the Austrian populist right Freedom Party (FPO) will win the rerun of the Austrian presidential election on October 2.A victory of Trump in America will also have enormous...
Read More »An Alternative Left Facebook Page
I don’t identify as Alt Left myself, but this Alt Left Facebook Page seems quite interesting, and free from some of the strange stuff I have seen on the Alt Left: Alternative Left, think there is now a sensible Alt Left that has managed to divorce itself from the more extreme original movement.It would be nice to have some Old Left (which can also be called the “Realist Left”) Facebook pages or social media forums too. I am now tempted to try and...
Read More »The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise
This is a major myth pushed by the cultural left and regressive left these days: that Spain in the period of Muslim rule was some kind of multicultural paradise and beacon of Enlightenment in Dark Age Europe. That myth is completely shattered by this book:Fernandez-Morera, Dario. 2016. The Myth of the Andalusian Paradise: Muslims, Christians, and Jews under Islamic Rule in Medieval Spain. ISI Books, Wilmington, Deleware. See this interview of Dario Fernandez-Morera here:[embedded content]See...
Read More »A Quick Point about Bill Mitchell’s Views on Speculative Capital Movements
Bill Mitchell sketches his views on international speculative capital movements here:“… I do not think that the imposition of country-by-country capital controls is the best way to eliminate the destructive macroeconomic impacts of rapid inflows or withdrawals of financial capital.If we consider that the only productive role of the financial markets is to advance the social welfare of the citizens – that is, advancing public purpose – then it is likely that a whole range of financial...
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