Sunday , February 23 2025
Home / Steve Keen’s Debt Watch (page 122)
The author Steve Keen
Steve Keen
Steve Keen (born 28 March 1953) is an Australian-born, British-based economist and author. He considers himself a post-Keynesian, criticising neoclassical economics as inconsistent, unscientific and empirically unsupported. The major influences on Keen's thinking about economics include John Maynard Keynes, Karl Marx, Hyman Minsky, Piero Sraffa, Augusto Graziani, Joseph Alois Schumpeter, Thorstein Veblen, and François Quesnay.

Steve Keen’s Debt Watch

Lecture 2 in “Becoming an Economist” at Kingston University

Becom­ing an Econ­o­mist is the intro­duc­tory course on eco­nom­ics for under­grad­u­ates at Kingston Uni­ver­sity. This is the second of 11 lec­tures in the sub­ject; I’ll post the oth­ers as I write them over the next few months. This lec­ture dis­cusses why the Mainstream approach, starting from the fundamental question Walras posed "Can a system of free markets reach a set of prices that ensures that supply equals demand in all markets?" The answer was "No", but that didn't stop the...

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Becoming An Economist Lecture 2 The Mainstream & why General Equilibrium is unstable

I outline the Mainstream (or "Neoclassical", though the Mainstream has a very narrow definition of what "Neoclassical means) approach, starting from the fundamental question that Walras set as his way to comprehend the economy, "Can a system of free markets reach a set of prices that ensures that supply equals demand in all markets?". The answer to this question happens to be "No". but the Mainstream has continued on as if the answer was "Yes".

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Call for papers for new journal on private debt

The Pri­vate Debt Project (this web­site will become active as of Decem­ber 2015) invites pro­pos­als for arti­cles, papers, and research notes related to the study of pri­vate debt and its rela­tion­ship to eco­nomic growth and finan­cial sta­bil­ity. The Project will pro­vide hon­o­rar­ium for all pub­lished work. In cases involv­ing papers with orig­i­nal research, it will also con­sider small research grants to help cover the cost of the research. Com­mis­sioned arti­cles, papers, and...

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Fellowship for economic journalism

The Friends Prov­i­dent Foun­da­tion has just estab­lished a Fel­low­ship for UK jour­nal­ism to pro­duce a “a sig­nif­i­cant work of long form jour­nal­ism in any medium on the theme of build­ing resilient economies.” I’ve copied the full press release below. For fur­ther details, click on this link. The full press release is copied below. Jour­nal­ist Fel­low­ship 2016 The Foundation’s trustees have cre­ated a jour­nal­ist fel­low­ship to build a bet­ter under­stand­ing of eco­nom­ics in...

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Lecture 1 in “Becoming an Economist” at Kingston University

Becom­ing an Econ­o­mist is the intro­duc­tory course on eco­nom­ics for under­grad­u­ates at Kingston Uni­ver­sity. This is the first of 11 lec­tures in the sub­ject; I’ll post the oth­ers as I write them over the next few months. This lec­ture dis­cusses why econ­o­mists dis­agree with each other, and draws analo­gies with astron­omy at the time when Galileo dis­cov­ered craters on the Moon, and moons orbit­ing Jupiter and Saturn. [embedded content] This is the Pow­er­point file for the...

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Why Economists Disagree–Lessons from Astronomy. Kingston University Becoming an Economist Lecture 1

The first lecture in the Kingston University introductory subject Becoming an Economist Economists clearly disagree with each other, in a manner that is quite unlike both the physical sciences and other social sciences. This lecture discusses why this is so, making an analogy to the state of astronomy back at the time of Copernicus and Galileo, where new observations and a new model challenged the view that the Earth was the center of the Universe. I introduce the 8 or so main approaches to...

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Talking Interest Rates with Phil Dobbie

One of the peo­ple I miss talk­ing with in Aus­tralia is radio jour­nal­ist and tech and inter­net expert Phil Dob­bie. For­tu­nately there’s Skype, and we reg­u­larly now chat mat­ters eco­nomic on his inter­net radio show Balls Radio. Here’s the lat­est com­plete pro­gram, includ­ing our dis­cus­sion of why inter­est rates are so low and are not going to move up until the level of pri­vate debt falls dramatically–which is unlikely to happen. [embedded content]

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Discussing the UK with Simon Rose on Share Radio

One of the very enjoyable aspects of being in London is speaking regularly with Simon Rose on the business-oriented internet radio Share Radio. I know I can talk under wet cement; I think Simon could manage to talk after it had set solid. We have a great time bantering about topics economics, and I hope it's of interest to the audience as well. Here's the latest installment, with some earlier ones available here. [embedded content] This blog has been verified by Rise:...

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