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Home / Mike Norman Economics / David William Pear – The US War on Freedom of the Press

David William Pear – The US War on Freedom of the Press

When Tulsi Gabbard's bill to stop the U.S. Government from arming head-chopping, jihadist terrorists, like Al Qeuda, ISIS, and Deash, failed to get passed, then the whole World knew who was funding terrorism, or did they? What if this had happened in China, or Russia - imagine what the media would have said, but nothing when the U.S. does it? The FBI abduction of Marzieh Hashemi is another milestone in the US turn to fascism. Marzieh Hashemi is a well-recognized and highly respected journalist and TV anchorwoman for Press TV, which is affiliated with the Islamic Republic of Iran. She was abducted on January 15th as she was boarding a flight to Denver from St. Louis. Marzieh was whisked to an unknown location in the vicinity of Washington, DC. The Washington DC area was probably chosen,

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When Tulsi Gabbard's bill to stop the U.S. Government from arming head-chopping, jihadist terrorists, like Al Qeuda, ISIS, and Deash, failed to get passed, then the whole World knew who was funding terrorism, or did they? What if this had happened in China, or Russia - imagine what the media would have said, but nothing when the U.S. does it?
The FBI abduction of Marzieh Hashemi is another milestone in the US turn to fascism. Marzieh Hashemi is a well-recognized and highly respected journalist and TV anchorwoman for Press TV, which is affiliated with the Islamic Republic of Iran. She was abducted on January 15th as she was boarding a flight to Denver from St. Louis.
Marzieh was whisked to an unknown location in the vicinity of Washington, DC. The Washington DC area was probably chosen, as Northern Virginia is the site of what is referred to as the “CIA court”, in which so-called national security cases are heard, because the government can be assured of government-friendly juries. In such cases, juries side with the government 99.9% of the time.
Marzieh is being held incommunicado, as this is being written, and she has not been heard from publicly. Nor does her family and friends know her exact location of imprisonment. It took nearly a week before the US government even acknowledged Marzieh’s arrest.
All the US government finally said was that Marzieh is being held as a “material witness” to an unspecified crime. Though not charged with any crime, Marzieh is being treated worse than a criminal. Her human, civil and religious rights have been violated. Reportedly all she has been able to eat is crackers, because the government is not respecting her religious dietary requirements.
The War on Terror is what has lowered the US in torturing people, conduct non-judicial assassinations of US citizens, engage in domestic spying, extraordinary rendition, indefinite detention, ignore the Geneva Conventions, and illegally start wars of aggression. The US has become the number one state sponsor of terrorism. What the US does abroad sooner or later it does at home to its own citizens.
The Unz Review
Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.

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