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Home / Mike Norman Economics / Why Joe Biden will continue the US war on Nord Stream 2 till the bitter end — Johanna Ross

Why Joe Biden will continue the US war on Nord Stream 2 till the bitter end — Johanna Ross

As Johanna Ross observes, this is geopolitics and geo-strategy in the style of the grand chessboard on which great powers contend for control of territory. What she doesn't point out is the that real objective of the US/UK is first forcing Russia to submit to US/UK imperial rule so that it can use this leverage on China's Western border, along with the Seventh Fleet and bases surrounding China to the east to force China into submission, thereby cement permanent US/UK hegemony as the first truly global empire. Why US/UK ? The US is the next iteration of the British Empire, which initiated this global strategy long ago and has been pursuing it since, now as a shadow of the US as a result of the power shift post-WWII.This grand strategy, of which Russia and China are well aware, is leading

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As Johanna Ross observes, this is geopolitics and geo-strategy in the style of the grand chessboard on which great powers contend for control of territory. 

What she doesn't point out is the that real objective of the US/UK is first forcing Russia to submit to US/UK imperial rule so that it can use this leverage on China's Western border, along with the Seventh Fleet and bases surrounding China to the east to force China into submission, thereby cement permanent US/UK hegemony as the first truly global empire. 

Why US/UK ? The US is the next iteration of the British Empire, which initiated this global strategy long ago and has been pursuing it since, now as a shadow of the US as a result of the power shift post-WWII.

This grand strategy, of which Russia and China are well aware, is leading inexorably to a new arms race, another cold war, and a high likelihood of WWIII.

In this, the US is taking the lead and bears most of the responsibility. Actions since WWII reveal that the US has little to no sense of responsibility. (Putin: "Do you realize what you have done?")

Why Joe Biden will continue the US war on Nord Stream 2 till the bitter end
Johanna Ross, journalist based in Edinburgh, Scotland.

See also

Backgrounder on geo-strategy.

Mike Norman
Mike Norman is an economist and veteran trader whose career has spanned over 30 years on Wall Street. He is a former member and trader on the CME, NYMEX, COMEX and NYFE and he managed money for one of the largest hedge funds and ran a prop trading desk for Credit Suisse.

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