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Philly Fed State Index, ECRI, Rail cars

ECRI’s WLI Growth Index Declines Again and Remains In Contraction ECRI’s WLI Growth Index which forecasts economic growth six months forward – declined and remains in negative territory. This index had spent 28 weeks in negative territory, then 15 weeks in positive territory – and now is in its tenth week in negative territory. Also discussed below is the coincident and lagging index which is in decline. Rail Week Ending 17 October 2015: Contraction Continues Week 41 of 2015 shows same week total rail traffic (from same week one year ago) and monthly total rail traffic (from same month one year ago) declined according to the Association of American Railroads (AAR) traffic data. Intermodal traffic modestly expanded year-over-year, which accounts for approximately half of movements. but weekly railcar counts continued in contraction.

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Philly Fed State Index, ECRI, Rail cars

ECRI’s WLI Growth Index Declines Again and Remains In Contraction

ECRI’s WLI Growth Index which forecasts economic growth six months forward – declined and remains in negative territory. This index had spent 28 weeks in negative territory, then 15 weeks in positive territory – and now is in its tenth week in negative territory. Also discussed below is the coincident and lagging index which is in decline.

Rail Week Ending 17 October 2015: Contraction Continues

Week 41 of 2015 shows same week total rail traffic (from same week one year ago) and monthly total rail traffic (from same month one year ago) declined according to the Association of American Railroads (AAR) traffic data. Intermodal traffic modestly expanded year-over-year, which accounts for approximately half of movements. but weekly railcar counts continued in contraction.

Warren Mosler is an American economist and theorist, and one of the leading voices in the field of Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Presently, Warren resides on St. Croix, in the US Virgin Islands, where he owns and operates Valance Co., Inc.

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