Peak Babies was in 2012. At this moment, we´re back to the level of forty years ago (and the most recent data may well be an overestimate). For the first time in centuries, cohorts entering the global labour market will soon be smaller than the cohorts preceding them. Even when there are significant differences in levels between countries, the years around 1970 were a turning point everywhere. In 1965, the relentless movement towards below-replacement human reproduction started....
Read More »The danger of demonization
Some lessons from the last war seem relevant for the current one. What I’ve been reading: …The Taliban in 2002 were broken. After fleeing Kandahar, Mullah Omar hid out in northern Helmand, Uruzgan, and Zabul. A new direction for the movement had yet to coalesce. Various commanders were preparing to continue the war, a few in al-Qa‘eda and militant camps in Pakistan. Others were resting in Pakistan or attempting to retire to community life inside Afghanistan. A number wanted to cooperate with...
Read More »Biggest military evacuation in US history is going pretty well. Something to talk about
As others have said in print and in the Fox broadcasts; “everything is going terrible.” Yeah kinda, there are issues. I do not believe anyone thought about the rapid collapse of Afghanistan happening. The die was cast when Trump and Pompeo bumbled their way through conversations with the Taliban. Someone was laughing afterwards. In spite of the collapse, the abandonment of Afghanistan is going rather well. As Kevin mentions the bloodshed is...
Read More »Biden Follows Trump On Foreign Policy
Biden Follows Trump On Foreign Policy We are now looking at a humanitarian disaster in Afghanistan. It looks like the Taliban will probably take control of Kabul and thus Afghanistan in the near future. Reports already show that where they control women cannot go to school and appear in public without a veil in public and much more. Many women there are unfortunately going to suffer greatly as a result of this. I am so very deeply sorry. Yes,...
Read More »Keeping Fingers Crossed As US Commits To Removing Military From Afghanistan
Keeping Fingers Crossed As US Commits To Removing Military From Afghanistan Yes, President Biden has bitten the bullet to remove US troops from Afghanistan by the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 attack that triggered our initial entry into that nation for our longest war. Of course, we shall not quite be fully out as not only will there still be some Marines guarding the embassy in Kabul, but probably covert CIA forces will continue to operate and...
Read More »The Afghanistan ‘peace deal’ riddle — Pepe Escobar
Backgrounder. More complicated than meets the eye. As always, it about money and power.Asia TimesThe Afghanistan ‘peace deal’ riddle Pepe Escobar
Read More »Where we are now in Afghanistan- Editorial Opinion by PL — Col. W. Patrick Lang
...we should leave, but we should leave on a schedule that will enable us to control the timing of our going and to protect the departure of those who wish to leave with us.…. Well worth reading the whole editorial. Col. Lang knows this region well. Sic Semper Tyrannis Where we are now in Afghanistan- Editorial Opinion by PLCol. W. Patrick Lang, US Army (ret.) At the Defense Intelligence Agency, Lang was the Defense Intelligence Officer (DIO) for the Middle East, South Asia and...
Read More »Pepe Escobar — How to kill 10 million Afghans and not win
Backgrounder on Afghanistan. Not really about Trump except the first few paragraphs. Trump just talking though his butt. The real not-so-hidden agenda lies elsewhere. And, as everywhere, "follow the money."Asia TimesPepe Escobar: How to kill 10 million Afghans and not win Pepe Escobar
Read More »The Taliban Have Won in Afghanistan — Brian Cloughley
Like the Vietnamese, they outlasted the occupiers. But it remains to be seen whether the Taliban will repeat a forcing of ignominious withdrawal, tail between the legs. Remember the helicopters evacuating the remnant from the rooftops of Saigon? President Trump's instincts are correct on this, but he is trapped by the politics and optics.Strategic Culture FoundationThe Taliban Have Won in Afghanistan Brian Cloughley | British and Australian armies’ veteran, former deputy head of the UN...
Read More »Tom Winter — Historic meeting of Intel Chiefs from Pakistan, Iran, Russia, and China – But why?
Top security and intelligence officials from Pakistan, Iran, Russia, and China held a meeting in Islamabad, where they stressed the need for more active involvement of regional forces in efforts to resolve the conflict in Afghanistan.This is reported by TASS. On Tuesday, a meeting of leaders of the intelligence services of Russia, Iran, China and Pakistan was held in Islamabad, at which measures were discussed to combat the threat of the reunification of ISIS fighters in Afghanistan.......
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