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Tag Archives: China

More on China and the US

So, if there is a reason for concern regarding China in the US, it is definitely the use of their developmental state to promote technological innovation. And as the graph shows they are catching up on spending, at least. I'm not sure I agree with the WSJ here, but they are certainly moving into high tech areas like AI.

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Nicos Panayiotides — The geopolitics beyond the Skripal case

Good backgrounder. Short and to the point. Emphasizes how geopolitics and geostrategy are historically influenced and path-dependent.Asia TimesThe geopolitics beyond the Skripal case Nicos Panayiotides See also Surprisingly good for Newsweek and the US media in general. No scaremongering. Short. NewsweekChina Military Tells Russia 'We've Come to Support You' Against U.S. Tom O'Connor

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Dean Baker — We [the People] Win Trade War! China Goes Generic Big Time

Donald Trump has proved the skeptics wrong, it seems that the American people stand to be big winners as a result of his trade war. The Chinese government announced a major initiative to promote the manufacture and use of generic drugs.... This can matter hugely for people in the United States since if China joins India as a mass producer of high quality generic drugs it will become increasingly difficult for the U.S. drug companies to maintain an island of protected prices in the United...

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Zero Hedge — In Unprecedented Move, China To Pay For Oil Imports With Yuan Instead Of Dollars

Just days after Beijing officially launched Yuan-denominated crude oil futures (with a bang, as shown in the chart below, surpassing Brent trading volume) which are expected to quickly become the third global price benchmark along Brent and WTI, China took the next major step in the internationalization of the Yuan, challenging the Dollar's supremacy as global reserve currency, when on Thursday Reuters reported that China took the first steps to paying for crude oil imports in its own...

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Impact Assessment Of $60B China Trade Tariffs

The purpose of this article is to show how the proposed $60B trade tariffs on China will impact macro fiscal flows and investment markets. To assess this regulatory change, a balance of sectoral flow analysis has been used (following British economist Professor Wynne Godley's work)…. Seeking AlphaImpact Assessment Of $60B China Trade Tariffs Alan Longbon

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Reuters — China warns U.S. not to open Pandora’s Box, unleash trade ills on world

The take-away: "Negotiations must be equal, and China will not accept any consultation under unilateral coercion,” Gao said." China (and Russia) demand to be treated as equals, which would mean the US accepting multipolarity.  Is the US willing to go to the mat to maintain unipolarity? Stay tuned.ReutersChina warns U.S. not to open Pandora's Box, unleash trade ills on world Se Young Lee and Yawen Chen

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Chinese officials are not acting like there’s a trade war

By Marc Chandler This post was first published on Marc to Market While the pundits are talking trade wars, Chinese officials are taking the latest US provocations in stride. Pressure on China’s trade practices are not new. The US has been complaining about intellectual property violations since Bill Clinton was President. China’s trade practices have also raised the ire or US and Europe, which has resulted in tens of dozens of anti-dumping actions. China’s emergence on the...

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