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Tag Archives: Garegnani

Luigi Pasinetti (1930-2023)

Pasinetti, Garegnani and the president of Italy in 2010Last week, in my senior seminar on the history of economic thought, I made the kids read a paper by Pasinetti on "Progress in Economic Science", which was published in a book edited by Boehm, Gehrke, Kurz and Sturn. It's a short defense of pluralism in economics on the basis of the co-existence of Kuhnian paradigms, with a relatively optimistic view of the possibility of progress, in a discipline in which, as he noted, the object of...

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Una lunga intervista

Intervista, mi sembra ben riuscita, su letture.orgProf. Sergio Cesaratto, Lei è autore del libro Sei lezioni di economia. Conoscenze necessarie per capire la crisi più lunga (e come uscirne) edito da Diarkos: in che modo la teoria economica può aiutarci a spiegare la crisi europea e dell’euro, e il declino del nostro Paese?  La prima edizione delle Sei lezioni ha avuto un buon successo perché mostra come esistano diverse teorie economiche le quali ci portano a diverse visioni di...

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Surplus approach and economic anthropology. Un nuovo WP

Heterodox economics and economic anthropology: reflections prompted by two books Working paper N. 807 Luglio 2019 Sergio Cesaratto DEPS, USienaAbstract This paper has been long ago inspired by Jared Diamond (1997) and, in particular, by his extensive use of the concept of economic surplus as the key to the development of civilization. Unfortunately, Diamond does not even mention the origin of the concept in classical and pre-classical economics. Moreover, Diamond does not pay...

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Why do we need a theory of value?

The theory of value and distribution is at the heart of economics. To be clear, when I say that it is at the center, it means that discussions of almost any topic in economics, in one way or another, depend on a certain theoretical position about the theory of value and distribution. However, most economists have no clue about it, about the centrality of value. Not only they don't understand the original and now infamous labor theory of value (LTV), that dominated between Petty and Ricardo...

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The New School for Social Research at 100: A view from the Econ. Dept.

From a late 1990s catalogue; Lance Taylor (center), and also in no particular order and from what I can remember (Ellen Houston, Adalmir Marquetti, myself (with goaty on the left side), Margaret Duncan, Josh Bivens and Carlos Pinkusfeld (Orozco Room) The New School for Social Research was founded 100 years ago by a group of academics dissatisfied with the direction of American high education. Economics was central to the early history of the New School, and my brief, very incomplete,...

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Garegnani on Sraffa and Marx, with an intro by Petri

The Review of Political Economy has done a great service to those interested in political economy, and in particular those concerned with the revival of the surplus approach. It has published the manuscript of Pierangelo Garegnani's unpublished paper.From Fabio Petri's introduction: In the last year of his life, Pierangelo Garegnani (1930–2011) worked on revising a paper on Marx’s labour theory of value drafted 30 years before, which had remained unpublished. This revised paper is what...

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Su socialismo e organizzazione del lavoro

Su invito di Meri Lucii, che ha scritto qualche riga di introduzione, pubblichiamo questo breve scritto della cara Federica Roà, che ci ha lasciato da qualche anno, sui problemi del socialismo e l’organizzazione del lavoro, una riflessione che è rimasta purtroppo solo abbozzata, ma è nondimeno una traccia di lavoro. (Sul tema del socialismo si vedano anche i seguenti post: uno e due) Questo scritto di Federica Roà* "Sulla organizzazione del lavoro nelle economie Socialiste e...

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