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Tag Archives: Hot Topics

Can Bill Gates bring nuclear power back to the US?

Usually, discussions of decarbonizing energy production involve solar, wind, tidal and geothermal. But nuclear power generation doesn’t generate greenhouse gas (though the large amount of concrete in conventional nuclear power plants does). Nuclear power generation has a bad name after Three Mile Island, Chernobyl and Fukushima. While there is debate about whether the Three Mile Island and Fukushima accidents really endangered many lives, there’s no...

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Qualifications?-According to Republicans, You Just Need to Be a Minority

Thanks to Digby at Hullabaloo for posting the qualifications of President Joe Biden’s pick (Ketanji Brown Jackson) to replace justice Stephen Breyer Justice at SCOTUS. I’ll (digby) just lay out the qualifications of the presumed front runner for the job: Ketanji Brown Jackson: Fifty-one year old Ketanji Jackson fulfills a lot of requirements for the establishment set. She has the same Ivy League credentials as the sitting justices, having...

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Can Repubs Block Stephen Breyer’s Replacement?

Not sure why Democrats are so trusting with Republicans with Deal-Making. “The Senate is split 50-50, with Vice President Kamala Harris breaking the tie. So far, so good, given past Senators have changed the rules for judicial nominees to get across the finish line with just 51 votes. The so-called nuclear option is meant as a last resort, but with the exception of Chief Justice John Roberts, none of the current conservative Justices cleared a...

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A historical note on US Treasury interest rates and stock prices

New Deal democrat, “Historical Note on US Treasury Interest Rates and Stock Prices“ Over the weekend I was asked by two people what is going on in the markets. That’s usually a sign that there has been a sudden downside move, and people are getting emotional. Back 5 and 10 years ago, when I was doing perpetual battle with the DOOOMers, several times I was able to call a market bottom to the day – and once within an hour in real time – by how...

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Oil Prices 7 Year High; Draw from Natural Gas Supply Largest Since Winter Storm

RJS, Focus on Fracking Oil prices rose for a fifth consecutive week and hit a 7 year high in the process, on supply disruptions in the Middle East and on rising tensions between NATO and Russia…after rising 6.3% to $83.82 per barrel last week on a softening of Fed rhetoric and on a production shortfall by OPEC+, the contract price for US light sweet crude for February delivery opened 50 cents higher on Tuesday after the MLK holiday as rising...

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Farm in a Square, Harvest in a Circle

All throughout the Midwest, Plains, pretty much anywhere that doesn’t get adequate rain you can look on Google maps and see square fields with bright green circles in the middle. These are pivot fields that are irrigated from aquifers below. The corners of those fields are usually left barren. No, these are not the corners I am referring to. The square fields of corners I am referring to go back to biblical days. Some years back I was having...

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Stepping Back, in a Posture of Mindful Gratitude

TPM’s Josh Marshall takes on a tour of Krysten Cinema’s future as a Senator from Arizona, calling her a dead senator walking. I think she already knows this and does not give a damn. Six years and out, take your political donations from the drug companies, etc. It is hard for me to imagine she does not already know she has already left the Senate. Rejoice – Kyrsten Sinema’s Political Career is Already Over, TPM, Josh Marshall Amidst all the...

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Advocate of Book Burning Becomes Chairman of Virginia School Board

(Dan here…I am reading more examples of this trend of local censorship) From Diane Ravitche’s blog comes this posting: (Quote) Peter Greene tells the ignominious story of the Spottsylvania, Virginia, school board. One of the school board members, Kirk Twigg, is a conservative Christian who is very fearful of books that might have any sexual content. He wants them burned. He was recently elected chairman of the school board and promised to fire the...

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Oil and SPR Reports, Gasoline Imports and Exports, and Gasoline Inventories

US oil inventories near 10 year low as Strategic Petroleum Reserve falls to yet another 19 year low; gasoline imports at a 53 week low; gasoline exports at an 82 week low; 3 week gasoline inventory increase is largest on record, RJS, Focusing on Fracking The Latest US Oil Supply and Disposition Data from the EIA US oil data from the US Energy Information Administration for the week ending January 14th indicated that due to a big jump in our oil...

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Simple Sabotage Field Manual

January 21, 2022 in g’da said, Homeless On the High Desert, Ten Bears Once top-secret CIA Simple Sabotage Field Manual … “Well this fun . . . Declassified June 16, 1976. “Regraded.” Ten Bears presents some methods I have seen work in business settings. Best bet, just nod your head and keep pushing. Organizations and Conferences Insist on doing everything through “channels.” Never permit short-cuts to be taken in order to expedite...

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