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Tag Archives: immigration

Biden’s asylum shut-down

The Biden Administration executive order setting a numerical threshold to shut down asylum is a performative exercise in futility. It is also cruel.“This “asylum shutdown” will deny, in most cases, the right to seek asylum for migrants apprehended on the U.S. side of the border with Mexico. It goes into effect at 12:01 AM on June 5, and will remain in effect until two weeks after Border Patrol’s weekly average of migrant apprehensions drops below...

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The myths that refuse to die

In my last post, I debunked the myth of the "reserve pool" of British workers. In this post, I discuss three more labour force myths that refuse to die: the myth of the "tide of unskilled immigration"the myth of the falling participation rate, and the myth of the "workless yoof". There's also an update about my charity walk in the Lake District last Saturday, and a couple of pics. Read the post here. It's free to read. 

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Demographic Outlook 2024 to 2054 Part II: Population Used by CBO to Project the Labor Force

I have been shrinking this total report through editing so as to make it easier to read in a shorter amount of time. It is also split into three parts to minimize the size of the read also. To me, it is pretty interesting as there have been discussion about how the CBO and other agencies such as Social Security and the Census reach their conclusions. For you, it might be boring. Just attempting to promote better understanding. ~~~~~~~~ The...

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Why the Tories’ “put people to work” growth strategy has failed

What do you do when your economy is in the doldrums and you need to kickstart growth?Why, you put more people to work, that's what you do.This has been the Tories’ strategy since 2010. The sustained attack on welfare benefits has all been focused on “making work pay” - encouraging, and at the margin forcing, people with illnesses, disabilities and caring responsibilities into paid work. But there is another way of putting more people to work, and that is to import them. In a new report, the...

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US Immigration: How many people are coming to the US and where are they coming from?​

I chose three graphs off of the USA Facts Org. site to make points of where are immigrants coming from, the makeup of them, how the border apprehends them, and the numbers turned away or apprehended. There is a much longer, well detailed, and interesting version of this commentary at USA Facts Org. ~~~~~~~~ 2024 Current State of the Union: US Immigration by USA Facts Org. Some Summary Data Authorized immigration to the US rebounded...

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US Population Growth

In 2006, Joel Garreau (Smithsonian) wrote: “The United States’ population is growing at the rate of almost 1 percent per year, thanks in part to immigration and its secondary effects. Not only does the United States accept more legal immigrants as permanent residents than the rest of the world combined, but these recent arrivals tend to have more children than established residents—until, as their descendants attain affluence and education, the...

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Desperate for Workers but Dead Set Against Migrant Labor

by Paul Kiernan AB: I have written about West Virginia on several occasions. If you want some history on its politics and issue, you can go here, here, here, here, here, etc. and further back. One time, Senator Joe Manchin took to the Senate floor to preach about the death of a young and pretty West Virginian. He blamed the two appointees to the FDA for being the cause of this. West Virginia has it problems with a shortage of workers and a dislike...

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Open Thread March 29 2024 CA Fast Food Workers get a boost in hourly wage

Starting April 1, fast-food workers in California will be paid at least $20 an hour, thanks to legislation passed last fall that raised the industry-wide minimum wage. Why? “the difference between the prices consumers pay and the cost of production—have increased sharply over the past decade of growth for the industry.” Roosevelt Institute Open Thread March 24 2024 Shorter Work Week – Is It All It Promises to Be? – Angry Bear...

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Legal versus Illegal Immigration

Going back to 2006 and one of the founders of Angry Bear below. Immigration being a positive thing and the reasons why. Also, the us population is not replacing itself. We have not yet experienced a decreasing population. It is not that far on the horizon. Replacement rate in the US is ~1.6 as discussed here. Legal versus Illegal Immigration 2006 Angry Bear By Kash Some of you have wondered why I haven’t yet made much of an effort to...

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Trends of Cubans Migrating to the US and Why

We did not see many Cubans come over the fence to escape to the Naval Base known as GITMO. It was just not possible as the fence surrounding GITMO was watched closely by the Cuban military. The history behind the designation of GITMO is derived from a bit of history – 1917. In 1917, sugar plantation owners who feared a military insurgency asked the U.S. to station Marines at the base. From then on, Guantanamo Bay became a crucial hub of...

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