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Tag Archives: Journalism

A national unity ticket, redux . . .

I want to respond to some of the comments on my last post and sharpen my own thinking by gaming out some ways the campaign might evolve.  I assume our goal is to have a Democrat – very probably Biden – beat Trump.  The question is how to maximize our odds of achieving this goal. Bill Kristol argues today that Biden should step down now and allow an open contest for the democratic nomination.  This is debatable advice (as he acknowledges).  As Seth...

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What Judge Luttig’s Report Reveals

I listened to former Federal Judge Luttig’s last night. Luttig covers what SCOTUS may be intending to do with trump. Covers the DC Court of Appeals opinion. And the good judge has a few words of reprimand for prosecutor Hur and his random off-roading opinion of President Joe Biden which was not a part of his assignment. I dislike talking to prosecutors as their role is to break you down. In this case, Hur took advantage of his role. Hope you...

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A national unity ticket?

Democracy and world peace have had a very bad week. The special counsel’s unprofessional, partisan decision has put Biden’s age and mental status front and center in the presidential contest.  Most commentators agree that it is up to President Biden to dispel doubts about his fitness, primarily by making himself more available to interviewers and voters.  Whether this will work remains to be seen.  Even if Biden is mentally fit, which I believe is...

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George W. Bush, Jr. Gaffs-The Dark Side

Went dumpster diving in my Internet sites to find this again. George W. Bush, Jr. – The Dark Side ( Enjoy the silly remarks by Boy-George Bush as compared to Joe Biden. And then the political clowns such as Hur, attack Biden? A president who took us through what could have been one of the greatest economic downturns in the history of the US. The stress must have been tremendous the last three years. And trump gave us $2 trillion...

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February 9, 2024, Letters from an American

Why is it that Democrats always pick the wrong guy? Yes, he delivered an honest, nonpolitical, and legal determination of Biden’s guilt or innocence as assigned to do. No, he is not entitled to go forward with his personal BS assessment of Biden a man he obviously distains. February 9, 2024, Letters from an American, Prof. Heather Cox-Richardson Yesterday, Special Counsel Robert Hur, appointed by Attorney General Merrick Garland in January...

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Cohousing Could Be the Answer for Aging Baby Boomers

Cohousing, another way to have multifamily and multigenerational housing. Why Cohousing Could Be the Answer for Aging Baby Boomers, Carbon Upfront, Lloyd Alter In a recent post, Why the future of housing should be multifamily and multigenerational, I mentioned cohousing, which was started in Denmark primarily by young families as a way of sharing resources like childcare. Katheryn McCamant and Charles Durrett summarize it in the...

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What is Causing Increasing Food, etc. Prices

This is a follow-up to two posts on Tuesday and Wednesday. One topic being “Low Income Consumers” and the other being GAO Prices etc. Neither said the Biden Administration is at fault. If you read Thursday’s report by New Deal Democrat, we are avoiding a recession. Briefly, Much of the cost from pricing increases people are experiencing result from rent-taking by corporations the same as what happened in 2008. They can do it (raise prices)...

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The Machine Age

My new book, The Machine Age, was published by Allen Lane on the 2nd November 2023. It’s available to buy on Amazon. Launch events were held at the Royal Society of Arts on the 6th November 2023 and UnHerd Club on the 28th November 2023. Links to the videos of each launch event are below: Royal Society of Arts: UnHerd Club: The following is a 23 page summary of the book: Preface This...

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The coming of the 14th Amendment and Why

The following sounds familiar, yes? Not much has changed since the Civil War. Still the same attitude, we belong but only on our terms. The Democrats of the South, now today’s Republicans starve for some type of leadership and glommed on to trump. What a compliment to trump that someone needed him and adored him. The murder of Lincoln was unfortunate. Southerners again had Black Americans under their thumb regardless of constitutional amendments...

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Give It To Idaho …

AB: Another commentary about Oregon . . . “Give It To Idaho …” | Homeless on the High Desert, Ten Bears Oregon’s Appalachia. Associated Press and Central Oregon Daily report: Central OR lawmaker ignorant of US Constitution, Article VI, section 3 Of course it’s ignorant, the stupidest people in Oregon live in South Central Oregon. G’ma used to say “it’s in the water” and point to the back of the Oregon Fish and Game Guide: “don’t eat the...

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